Yeeikes! is it day 11 already. I do realise that the closer we get to day 40, the closer we get to day Exams. But anyhoo, that does mean its also closer to day "stuffing myself with cheap food in asia"
So i read today's reading, totally excited as usual cause honestly, this book's been quite unlike any other reading material i have read. Unlike my corporate finance textbook, it does not give me a headache, unlike my torts textbook, it does not cause my eyes to spin and unlike the Sports Section in the West Australian informing me of how dismal the West Coast Eagles are, does not cause me to weep like a little woman.
Which brings me to today's reading. Weeping like a little woman. Surely that is a very gender bias statement. Our Lord Jesus wept when his dear friend gave in to a vicious illness. I wept when my dear team self destructed in a vicious way. The point is this, feelings are important. Lets be honest, its getting pretty confusing here cause didnt Racquel just share a few days ago not to be overrun by our emotions. Whats this sudden about face telling us feelings are important.
The thing ive always always found to be important is a good balance in everything. Yes we are not to be overrun by our feelings. Heck we are not suppose to base our decisions on our feelings. Why? cause as mentioned, they are fickle and really, would you want to base your decision on whether to go to your tute today based on the knowledge that you know you should and what is right or based on your emo feelings because Jesters ran out of morning glory.
But man, feelings are important i say. We were all made with emotions. Feelings of anger, sadness, happyness and the occasional emotion of stress(lol). David, when he wrote his pslams, we can read the raw emotion and intensity of his praise, his hurts, his insecurities, his repentance. Jesus too showed emotion. He was REAL when he was here. Hes not like some robot perfectionist, he was real like the rest of us, cept he was perfect. He is.
Going back to the point i was saying about balance, there has to be that balance, that line drawn somewhere. Like Jesus, we have to take our emotions seriously, express them if need be, not deny them, yet at the same time not act or be governed by our feelings. Keeping it real homies, yet not being governed by those same feelings.
It is a paradox some might say. To accept our feelings and yet not be governed by them? It is not realistic to take our feelings and deny them just because we think it be easier compared to facing our feelings and acting not based on our feelings but on truths. Truth be told, as said in the book, and this really hit close to my heart, we are to deny ourselves. Thats hard man. Deny ourselves, not deny that the feelings exist, but deny our own desires of acting in that feeling and instead choosing to do God's will.
The thing that inspires me is how Jesus handled feelings. He never denied them. He accepted them cause he was prone to human emotions like the rest of us, yet he never sinned as a result of them. Pastor Tom says denying feelings gives them a power over us and Ive totally been guilty of trying to deny my feelings at times cause i thought it was the right thing to do. Chances are, i was just scared to face them feelings cause i would possibly have to act in the opposite way of them and that would have been hard.
And so i digress, but friends, this is my resolve,to not let my feelings govern me, or try the impossible of denying my feelings, instead, ima hold on to the power that is Christ in me, that the knowledge of his will that will allow me to act not based on feelings, but based on the will of God, on what is right.
Yeeikes! is it day 11 already. I do realise that the closer we get to day 40, the closer we get to day Exams. But anyhoo, that does mean its also closer to day "stuffing myself with cheap food in asia"
So i read today's reading, totally excited as usual cause honestly, this book's been quite unlike any other reading material i have read. Unlike my corporate finance textbook, it does not give me a headache, unlike my torts textbook, it does not cause my eyes to spin and unlike the Sports Section in the West Australian informing me of how dismal the West Coast Eagles are, does not cause me to weep like a little woman.
Which brings me to today's reading. Weeping like a little woman. Surely that is a very gender bias statement. Our Lord Jesus wept when his dear friend gave in to a vicious illness. I wept when my dear team self destructed in a vicious way. The point is this, feelings are important. Lets be honest, its getting pretty confusing here cause didnt Racquel just share a few days ago not to be overrun by our emotions. Whats this sudden about face telling us feelings are important.
The thing ive always always found to be important is a good balance in everything. Yes we are not to be overrun by our feelings. Heck we are not suppose to base our decisions on our feelings. Why? cause as mentioned, they are fickle and really, would you want to base your decision on whether to go to your tute today based on the knowledge that you know you should and what is right or based on your emo feelings because Jesters ran out of morning glory.
But man, feelings are important i say. We were all made with emotions. Feelings of anger, sadness, happyness and the occasional emotion of stress(lol). David, when he wrote his pslams, we can read the raw emotion and intensity of his praise, his hurts, his insecurities, his repentance. Jesus too showed emotion. He was REAL when he was here. Hes not like some robot perfectionist, he was real like the rest of us, cept he was perfect. He is.
Going back to the point i was saying about balance, there has to be that balance, that line drawn somewhere. Like Jesus, we have to take our emotions seriously, express them if need be, not deny them, yet at the same time not act or be governed by our feelings. Keeping it real homies, yet not being governed by those same feelings.
It is a paradox some might say. To accept our feelings and yet not be governed by them? It is not realistic to take our feelings and deny them just because we think it be easier compared to facing our feelings and acting not based on our feelings but on truths. Truth be told, as said in the book, and this really hit close to my heart, we are to deny ourselves. Thats hard man. Deny ourselves, not deny that the feelings exist, but deny our own desires of acting in that feeling and instead choosing to do God's will.
The thing that inspires me is how Jesus handled feelings. He never denied them. He accepted them cause he was prone to human emotions like the rest of us, yet he never sinned as a result of them. Pastor Tom says denying feelings gives them a power over us and Ive totally been guilty of trying to deny my feelings at times cause i thought it was the right thing to do. Chances are, i was just scared to face them feelings cause i would possibly have to act in the opposite way of them and that would have been hard.
And so i digress, but friends, this is my resolve,to not let my feelings govern me, or try the impossible of denying my feelings, instead, ima hold on to the power that is Christ in me, that the knowledge of his will that will allow me to act not based on feelings, but based on the will of God, on what is right.
We all have a certain view of love: Love is a choice, love is time, love is an action. But love should be a journey that always discovers something new every day. The old was based on THEORY. The new is based on PRACTICAL. The old was based on fear of God’s judgment. The new is based on Jesus’ love and forgiveness. I remembered something that was said in Hillsongs conference. It goes something like this: “The problem with us is not in the giving, it’s in the receiving. Why are we still not changed? It is because we rely too much on our own strength instead of receiving the power of Jesus’ love for us. That we have not received the love of Jesus” We keep falling back on the old “set of rules” that “we have to do this; we have to do that” 1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” The old play by RULES. The new lead by EXAMPLE.
No one knows us better than Jesus does. And Jesus never commands us to do something he is not willing and able to empower us to do. 1 John 4:4 “…He that is in me, is greater than he that is in the world”. The story of Jesus walking on water: How does it relate to us? Jesus is the perfect example, doing the impossible; that is walking on water. We go “Woah… I wanna do that too, I think I can… wait maybe I can’t.” Peter was empowered by Jesus: Then Peter called to him. “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you by walking on water” We are empowered by Jesus in our churches, our community, our family, to love our neighbours. So what’s new? It isn’t just looking at the awesome power of Jesus; it isn’t just marveling in the awesome presence of God during worship, it is imitating what Christ did. The first step? Get out of your boat! Face that rough tough sea and say “I’m just gonna do it anyway. I know I can’t, but I know God can.” Not with our reckless confidence in our own strength (die then die la), but with confidence in the one who empowered us. That means: Do first, think about it later; start talking with that friend who always sits alone in lecture; start leading prayer although you can’t speak very well; start doing SOMETHING. Like what Rachel said in day 9: Actions don’t necessarily follow feelings, but feelings tend to follow actions.
Then again there are some of us who started out strong, and we have lost that “first love, or passion”. The secret to renewing that strength, that passion, that love, is not finding some new feeling or discovering something more awesome then who God already is, but by doing the things we did at the beginning with a new attitude that results from changed hearts. Notice it says by DOING, and not by waiting for the feeling to come and inspire us. Having said that, because God has “created” us, we were made “creative” and we have the power of NEW! 2 Cor 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
The Power is yours! =D
We all have a certain view of love: Love is a choice, love is time, love is an action. But love should be a journey that always discovers something new every day. The old was based on THEORY. The new is based on PRACTICAL. The old was based on fear of God’s judgment. The new is based on Jesus’ love and forgiveness. I remembered something that was said in Hillsongs conference. It goes something like this: “The problem with us is not in the giving, it’s in the receiving. Why are we still not changed? It is because we rely too much on our own strength instead of receiving the power of Jesus’ love for us. That we have not received the love of Jesus” We keep falling back on the old “set of rules” that “we have to do this; we have to do that” 1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” The old play by RULES. The new lead by EXAMPLE.
No one knows us better than Jesus does. And Jesus never commands us to do something he is not willing and able to empower us to do. 1 John 4:4 “…He that is in me, is greater than he that is in the world”. The story of Jesus walking on water: How does it relate to us? Jesus is the perfect example, doing the impossible; that is walking on water. We go “Woah… I wanna do that too, I think I can… wait maybe I can’t.” Peter was empowered by Jesus: Then Peter called to him. “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you by walking on water” We are empowered by Jesus in our churches, our community, our family, to love our neighbours. So what’s new? It isn’t just looking at the awesome power of Jesus; it isn’t just marveling in the awesome presence of God during worship, it is imitating what Christ did. The first step? Get out of your boat! Face that rough tough sea and say “I’m just gonna do it anyway. I know I can’t, but I know God can.” Not with our reckless confidence in our own strength (die then die la), but with confidence in the one who empowered us. That means: Do first, think about it later; start talking with that friend who always sits alone in lecture; start leading prayer although you can’t speak very well; start doing SOMETHING. Like what Rachel said in day 9: Actions don’t necessarily follow feelings, but feelings tend to follow actions.
Then again there are some of us who started out strong, and we have lost that “first love, or passion”. The secret to renewing that strength, that passion, that love, is not finding some new feeling or discovering something more awesome then who God already is, but by doing the things we did at the beginning with a new attitude that results from changed hearts. Notice it says by DOING, and not by waiting for the feeling to come and inspire us. Having said that, because God has “created” us, we were made “creative” and we have the power of NEW! 2 Cor 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
The Power is yours! =D
This might be a bit similar to the book because i think it's so good. Yesterday we learnt that Jesus commands us to love one another. But what if i don't feel like it?
Life is full of choices. Everyday we make hundreds of choices whether we're aware of it or not. As emotional humans beings, many of our choices are governed by our feelings. We feel hungry so we eat. We feel tired so we go to sleep. We feel bored so we search for something to do. Because of this, the a lot of people think that love is the same, that it is just a feeling. The popular belief is that if you don't feel in love then the love isn't there anymore. But if you don't feel happy for that moment in time, does that mean that you won't feel happy again? In order to be happy, you can do things that you enjoy so you will be happy right? In the same way, if you don't feel like loving, it doesn't mean that love isn't there. You have to choose to love, to act in a loving way.
When Jesus commanded us to love one another, he wasn't asking us to 'feel' but he was asking us to 'act'! The thing is, you cannot command an emotion, but you can command an action. Love is not just a feeling, it is a choice, an action. Actions don't necessarily follow feelings but feelings tend to follow actions, though sometimes not as quickly as you want them to. This is the same with love. Act with love first.
So even if i don't feel like showing love, i should just act on it anyway? Wouldn't i be fake, a hypocrite if i do that? But think about the many times that you've done something that you didn't want to do. When you had morning exams on really cold winter mornings and the warmth of your bed seemed more attractive. You won't call up your lecturer and say that you don't feel like sitting for the exam so you won't go otherwise you'd feel like a hypocrite, right? Imagine what the world would be like if everyone did things based on what they felt alone, probably nothing much would be accomplished.
There are some days when i just don't feel like doing something, my dear boyfriend has to tell me to get up and get to it. Stubborn as i am, i usually don't listen immediately. But it really boils down to choice and action. Yes, you might be feeling bad, but so what? What are you gonna do about it? It was only when i decided to act, decided to stop being that way that i also started to feel better.
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18)
There is power in action so take that step to act with love.
Lotsa love,
Life is full of choices. Everyday we make hundreds of choices whether we're aware of it or not. As emotional humans beings, many of our choices are governed by our feelings. We feel hungry so we eat. We feel tired so we go to sleep. We feel bored so we search for something to do. Because of this, the a lot of people think that love is the same, that it is just a feeling. The popular belief is that if you don't feel in love then the love isn't there anymore. But if you don't feel happy for that moment in time, does that mean that you won't feel happy again? In order to be happy, you can do things that you enjoy so you will be happy right? In the same way, if you don't feel like loving, it doesn't mean that love isn't there. You have to choose to love, to act in a loving way.
When Jesus commanded us to love one another, he wasn't asking us to 'feel' but he was asking us to 'act'! The thing is, you cannot command an emotion, but you can command an action. Love is not just a feeling, it is a choice, an action. Actions don't necessarily follow feelings but feelings tend to follow actions, though sometimes not as quickly as you want them to. This is the same with love. Act with love first.
So even if i don't feel like showing love, i should just act on it anyway? Wouldn't i be fake, a hypocrite if i do that? But think about the many times that you've done something that you didn't want to do. When you had morning exams on really cold winter mornings and the warmth of your bed seemed more attractive. You won't call up your lecturer and say that you don't feel like sitting for the exam so you won't go otherwise you'd feel like a hypocrite, right? Imagine what the world would be like if everyone did things based on what they felt alone, probably nothing much would be accomplished.
There are some days when i just don't feel like doing something, my dear boyfriend has to tell me to get up and get to it. Stubborn as i am, i usually don't listen immediately. But it really boils down to choice and action. Yes, you might be feeling bad, but so what? What are you gonna do about it? It was only when i decided to act, decided to stop being that way that i also started to feel better.
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18)
There is power in action so take that step to act with love.
Lotsa love,
This might be a bit similar to the book because i think it's so good. Yesterday we learnt that Jesus commands us to love one another. But what if i don't feel like it?
Life is full of choices. Everyday we make hundreds of choices whether we're aware of it or not. As emotional humans beings, many of our choices are governed by our feelings. We feel hungry so we eat. We feel tired so we go to sleep. We feel bored so we search for something to do. Because of this, the a lot of people think that love is the same, that it is just a feeling. The popular belief is that if you don't feel in love then the love isn't there anymore. But if you don't feel happy for that moment in time, does that mean that you won't feel happy again? In order to be happy, you can do things that you enjoy so you will be happy right? In the same way, if you don't feel like loving, it doesn't mean that love isn't there. You have to choose to love, to act in a loving way.
When Jesus commanded us to love one another, he wasn't asking us to 'feel' but he was asking us to 'act'! The thing is, you cannot command an emotion, but you can command an action. Love is not just a feeling, it is a choice, an action. Actions don't necessarily follow feelings but feelings tend to follow actions, though sometimes not as quickly as you want them to. This is the same with love. Act with love first.
So even if i don't feel like showing love, i should just act on it anyway? Wouldn't i be fake, a hypocrite if i do that? But think about the many times that you've done something that you didn't want to do. When you had morning exams on really cold winter mornings and the warmth of your bed seemed more attractive. You won't call up your lecturer and say that you don't feel like sitting for the exam so you won't go otherwise you'd feel like a hypocrite, right? Imagine what the world would be like if everyone did things based on what they felt alone, probably nothing much would be accomplished.
There are some days when i just don't feel like doing something, my dear boyfriend has to tell me to get up and get to it. Stubborn as i am, i usually don't listen immediately. But it really boils down to choice and action. Yes, you might be feeling bad, but so what? What are you gonna do about it? It was only when i decided to act, decided to stop being that way that i also started to feel better.
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18)
There is power in action so take that step to act with love.
Lotsa love,
Life is full of choices. Everyday we make hundreds of choices whether we're aware of it or not. As emotional humans beings, many of our choices are governed by our feelings. We feel hungry so we eat. We feel tired so we go to sleep. We feel bored so we search for something to do. Because of this, the a lot of people think that love is the same, that it is just a feeling. The popular belief is that if you don't feel in love then the love isn't there anymore. But if you don't feel happy for that moment in time, does that mean that you won't feel happy again? In order to be happy, you can do things that you enjoy so you will be happy right? In the same way, if you don't feel like loving, it doesn't mean that love isn't there. You have to choose to love, to act in a loving way.
When Jesus commanded us to love one another, he wasn't asking us to 'feel' but he was asking us to 'act'! The thing is, you cannot command an emotion, but you can command an action. Love is not just a feeling, it is a choice, an action. Actions don't necessarily follow feelings but feelings tend to follow actions, though sometimes not as quickly as you want them to. This is the same with love. Act with love first.
So even if i don't feel like showing love, i should just act on it anyway? Wouldn't i be fake, a hypocrite if i do that? But think about the many times that you've done something that you didn't want to do. When you had morning exams on really cold winter mornings and the warmth of your bed seemed more attractive. You won't call up your lecturer and say that you don't feel like sitting for the exam so you won't go otherwise you'd feel like a hypocrite, right? Imagine what the world would be like if everyone did things based on what they felt alone, probably nothing much would be accomplished.
There are some days when i just don't feel like doing something, my dear boyfriend has to tell me to get up and get to it. Stubborn as i am, i usually don't listen immediately. But it really boils down to choice and action. Yes, you might be feeling bad, but so what? What are you gonna do about it? It was only when i decided to act, decided to stop being that way that i also started to feel better.
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18)
There is power in action so take that step to act with love.
Lotsa love,
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another [John 13:34]
A new command I give you: Love one another. I have loved you, so you must love one another --> see?? That's not too hard now, is it?
Jesus loves me, so I love you!! & everyone lives happily ever after =D
[in other words, love the best you can]
but why oh why must the 'As' be there. makes everything entirely impossible now.
As Jesus loved me, so I love you!! In other words, love exactly how Jesus loved you & everyone say 'ling ling qi bang! aaaah!!"
[sorry. just had to XD]
Tom Holladay said: "Me, love as Jesus loved? You've got to be kidding. There's NO way! it's like someone inviting me to jump across the Grand Canyon"
Ehly says: " [manly] yeeah yeeeah!! Of course!! No problem-o! ........if I am Jesus Himself"
so how, you asked? how how hooooooooooooooooooooooow!!
*pulls hair*
Well, simple! the answer is: You CAN'T! there's definitely NO way! IMPOSSIBLE!! too bad for you!! *sticks out tongue*
.....except the Jesus living in us!
Only when we choose to totally surrender our everything to Him and allow HIM to take control, we can never love the way Jesus loved, care the way Jesus cared, be as forgiving as Jesus, be as patient as Jesus etc etc, you get the idea.
and boy, is God the happiest alive knowing that we finally got it! that there is indeed NO way can we love as Jesus loved. and oh how long has He waited until He finally whack that idea into our stubborn heart.
and how our whole entire Christian being, we've tried and tried, tried so hard till we run dry. we bite our tongue and force ourselves to love. WE kept pushing. WE kept trying. WE kept on going but God sits and watch till we finally drop trying and tell Him God this thing you ask of me, it's too hard. i cant do it. i'm too tired. i feel like giving up. and God goes FINALLY! now I can show you MY power. MY strength. MYself in you.
so as long as WE is in place, GOD cannot take control. GOD cannot snatch this 'control' from us until WE step down, then GOD can step in and take it from there. [very much like freewill and choice]
Christianity is not trying harder; Christianity is trusting Jesus.
God, I am not here to try my hardest. I'm here to surrender my all to You. to step down so You can step in. to let You have your way. to let You do as You please. because i'm tired. so tired of trying. trying to be. trying to do. trying to reach that standard. i only run dry. but when You come in and take over, i shall never thirst again.
To be like ehly and meet ehly's standard, it's very easy. just suan a lil. poke a lil, stir the pot a lil and you'll get there! but to be like Jesus and meet His standard, it's impossible. unless we gave our whole entire self up to Him and He lives through us.
so in the next few days, sing this cheer whenever, wherever: What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard! What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard!What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard! What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard!
You know, Jesus can be everly so subtle in the things He commands. This verse wouldn't have sound so impossible if the 'As' was removed, no?
A new command I give you: Love one another. I have loved you, so you must love one another --> see?? That's not too hard now, is it?
Jesus loves me, so I love you!! & everyone lives happily ever after =D
[in other words, love the best you can]
but why oh why must the 'As' be there. makes everything entirely impossible now.
As Jesus loved me, so I love you!! In other words, love exactly how Jesus loved you & everyone say 'ling ling qi bang! aaaah!!"
[sorry. just had to XD]
Tom Holladay said: "Me, love as Jesus loved? You've got to be kidding. There's NO way! it's like someone inviting me to jump across the Grand Canyon"
Ehly says: " [manly] yeeah yeeeah!! Of course!! No problem-o! ........if I am Jesus Himself"
so how, you asked? how how hooooooooooooooooooooooow!!
*pulls hair*
Well, simple! the answer is: You CAN'T! there's definitely NO way! IMPOSSIBLE!! too bad for you!! *sticks out tongue*
.....except the Jesus living in us!
Only when we choose to totally surrender our everything to Him and allow HIM to take control, we can never love the way Jesus loved, care the way Jesus cared, be as forgiving as Jesus, be as patient as Jesus etc etc, you get the idea.
and boy, is God the happiest alive knowing that we finally got it! that there is indeed NO way can we love as Jesus loved. and oh how long has He waited until He finally whack that idea into our stubborn heart.
and how our whole entire Christian being, we've tried and tried, tried so hard till we run dry. we bite our tongue and force ourselves to love. WE kept pushing. WE kept trying. WE kept on going but God sits and watch till we finally drop trying and tell Him God this thing you ask of me, it's too hard. i cant do it. i'm too tired. i feel like giving up. and God goes FINALLY! now I can show you MY power. MY strength. MYself in you.
so as long as WE is in place, GOD cannot take control. GOD cannot snatch this 'control' from us until WE step down, then GOD can step in and take it from there. [very much like freewill and choice]
Christianity is not trying harder; Christianity is trusting Jesus.
God, I am not here to try my hardest. I'm here to surrender my all to You. to step down so You can step in. to let You have your way. to let You do as You please. because i'm tired. so tired of trying. trying to be. trying to do. trying to reach that standard. i only run dry. but when You come in and take over, i shall never thirst again.
To be like ehly and meet ehly's standard, it's very easy. just suan a lil. poke a lil, stir the pot a lil and you'll get there! but to be like Jesus and meet His standard, it's impossible. unless we gave our whole entire self up to Him and He lives through us.
so in the next few days, sing this cheer whenever, wherever: What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard! What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard!What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard! What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard!
this could be VERY tiring!!
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another [John 13:34]
A new command I give you: Love one another. I have loved you, so you must love one another --> see?? That's not too hard now, is it?
Jesus loves me, so I love you!! & everyone lives happily ever after =D
[in other words, love the best you can]
but why oh why must the 'As' be there. makes everything entirely impossible now.
As Jesus loved me, so I love you!! In other words, love exactly how Jesus loved you & everyone say 'ling ling qi bang! aaaah!!"
[sorry. just had to XD]
Tom Holladay said: "Me, love as Jesus loved? You've got to be kidding. There's NO way! it's like someone inviting me to jump across the Grand Canyon"
Ehly says: " [manly] yeeah yeeeah!! Of course!! No problem-o! ........if I am Jesus Himself"
so how, you asked? how how hooooooooooooooooooooooow!!
*pulls hair*
Well, simple! the answer is: You CAN'T! there's definitely NO way! IMPOSSIBLE!! too bad for you!! *sticks out tongue*
.....except the Jesus living in us!
Only when we choose to totally surrender our everything to Him and allow HIM to take control, we can never love the way Jesus loved, care the way Jesus cared, be as forgiving as Jesus, be as patient as Jesus etc etc, you get the idea.
and boy, is God the happiest alive knowing that we finally got it! that there is indeed NO way can we love as Jesus loved. and oh how long has He waited until He finally whack that idea into our stubborn heart.
and how our whole entire Christian being, we've tried and tried, tried so hard till we run dry. we bite our tongue and force ourselves to love. WE kept pushing. WE kept trying. WE kept on going but God sits and watch till we finally drop trying and tell Him God this thing you ask of me, it's too hard. i cant do it. i'm too tired. i feel like giving up. and God goes FINALLY! now I can show you MY power. MY strength. MYself in you.
so as long as WE is in place, GOD cannot take control. GOD cannot snatch this 'control' from us until WE step down, then GOD can step in and take it from there. [very much like freewill and choice]
Christianity is not trying harder; Christianity is trusting Jesus.
God, I am not here to try my hardest. I'm here to surrender my all to You. to step down so You can step in. to let You have your way. to let You do as You please. because i'm tired. so tired of trying. trying to be. trying to do. trying to reach that standard. i only run dry. but when You come in and take over, i shall never thirst again.
To be like ehly and meet ehly's standard, it's very easy. just suan a lil. poke a lil, stir the pot a lil and you'll get there! but to be like Jesus and meet His standard, it's impossible. unless we gave our whole entire self up to Him and He lives through us.
so in the next few days, sing this cheer whenever, wherever: What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard! What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard!What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard! What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard!
You know, Jesus can be everly so subtle in the things He commands. This verse wouldn't have sound so impossible if the 'As' was removed, no?
A new command I give you: Love one another. I have loved you, so you must love one another --> see?? That's not too hard now, is it?
Jesus loves me, so I love you!! & everyone lives happily ever after =D
[in other words, love the best you can]
but why oh why must the 'As' be there. makes everything entirely impossible now.
As Jesus loved me, so I love you!! In other words, love exactly how Jesus loved you & everyone say 'ling ling qi bang! aaaah!!"
[sorry. just had to XD]
Tom Holladay said: "Me, love as Jesus loved? You've got to be kidding. There's NO way! it's like someone inviting me to jump across the Grand Canyon"
Ehly says: " [manly] yeeah yeeeah!! Of course!! No problem-o! ........if I am Jesus Himself"
so how, you asked? how how hooooooooooooooooooooooow!!
*pulls hair*
Well, simple! the answer is: You CAN'T! there's definitely NO way! IMPOSSIBLE!! too bad for you!! *sticks out tongue*
.....except the Jesus living in us!
Only when we choose to totally surrender our everything to Him and allow HIM to take control, we can never love the way Jesus loved, care the way Jesus cared, be as forgiving as Jesus, be as patient as Jesus etc etc, you get the idea.
and boy, is God the happiest alive knowing that we finally got it! that there is indeed NO way can we love as Jesus loved. and oh how long has He waited until He finally whack that idea into our stubborn heart.
and how our whole entire Christian being, we've tried and tried, tried so hard till we run dry. we bite our tongue and force ourselves to love. WE kept pushing. WE kept trying. WE kept on going but God sits and watch till we finally drop trying and tell Him God this thing you ask of me, it's too hard. i cant do it. i'm too tired. i feel like giving up. and God goes FINALLY! now I can show you MY power. MY strength. MYself in you.
so as long as WE is in place, GOD cannot take control. GOD cannot snatch this 'control' from us until WE step down, then GOD can step in and take it from there. [very much like freewill and choice]
Christianity is not trying harder; Christianity is trusting Jesus.
God, I am not here to try my hardest. I'm here to surrender my all to You. to step down so You can step in. to let You have your way. to let You do as You please. because i'm tired. so tired of trying. trying to be. trying to do. trying to reach that standard. i only run dry. but when You come in and take over, i shall never thirst again.
To be like ehly and meet ehly's standard, it's very easy. just suan a lil. poke a lil, stir the pot a lil and you'll get there! but to be like Jesus and meet His standard, it's impossible. unless we gave our whole entire self up to Him and He lives through us.
so in the next few days, sing this cheer whenever, wherever: What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard! What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard!What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard! What's my Standard? JESUS is my Standard!
this could be VERY tiring!!
The sharing since the first day has been getting better and better. It's just so awesome to know that we are doing this together!!!
I must admit I am guilty of loving those who I am close with. So, as I am writing this, I am writing from a point of view that I am guilty of charge of not loving my neighbour as myself. Today I would like to give my two cents worth of thoughts of what I have gotten out of loving someone as your neighbour.
Let me start this sharing with an experience I had. I was taking the bus to city one day. As usual, I’d be listening to my iPod, as I enter the bus, ignoring the bus driver, walking and trying to spot a seat. To my surprise that day, as I got on the bus, I saw an asian guy praying for an angmo old lady. I was amazed. It is unusual for this to happen. We don’t normally see someone doing that and what more of ourselves doing it. What the guy did got me asking myself this question. What did I do in my everyday life to show that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ?
Physically, there is only one of us. And we can’t manage to show our love to everyone but we can simply share our love when an opportunity arises. I am a fast pace person. I rush through things at times. With God, rushing is definitely not in His vocabulary. I learn this over the years when I started to know God more. It’s the same with loving people. When the chance arises for you to love a person, grab it and make the most of it to build a relationship without rushing or keeping a time boundary. Jesus is the perfect example. He didn’t hasten through his ministry years but He makes the most of it everywhere He went.
Coming back to the asian guy who prayed for the angmo old lady I saw on the bus. That would have been a great opportunity to love someone through praying for them. I believe that that guy can be one of us when we learn to love someone as our neighbour. Stop giving excuses to say that you are exhausted from work or studies or if it is in the morning, “it’s too early”. You might never know the little things you do can lead a person to eternal life with God.
I must admit I am guilty of loving those who I am close with. So, as I am writing this, I am writing from a point of view that I am guilty of charge of not loving my neighbour as myself. Today I would like to give my two cents worth of thoughts of what I have gotten out of loving someone as your neighbour.
Let me start this sharing with an experience I had. I was taking the bus to city one day. As usual, I’d be listening to my iPod, as I enter the bus, ignoring the bus driver, walking and trying to spot a seat. To my surprise that day, as I got on the bus, I saw an asian guy praying for an angmo old lady. I was amazed. It is unusual for this to happen. We don’t normally see someone doing that and what more of ourselves doing it. What the guy did got me asking myself this question. What did I do in my everyday life to show that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ?
Consistent love can be expressed one opportunity at one time
Physically, there is only one of us. And we can’t manage to show our love to everyone but we can simply share our love when an opportunity arises. I am a fast pace person. I rush through things at times. With God, rushing is definitely not in His vocabulary. I learn this over the years when I started to know God more. It’s the same with loving people. When the chance arises for you to love a person, grab it and make the most of it to build a relationship without rushing or keeping a time boundary. Jesus is the perfect example. He didn’t hasten through his ministry years but He makes the most of it everywhere He went.
Coming back to the asian guy who prayed for the angmo old lady I saw on the bus. That would have been a great opportunity to love someone through praying for them. I believe that that guy can be one of us when we learn to love someone as our neighbour. Stop giving excuses to say that you are exhausted from work or studies or if it is in the morning, “it’s too early”. You might never know the little things you do can lead a person to eternal life with God.
How to love, when we do not have it?
How are we able to give something that we don’t have? If we don’t have strength to love, how can we love? Remember God is our provider. He is our Jehovah Jireh. He is the source of everything. Everything comes from Him alone. Strength alone comes from Him.
I can do all this through Him who gives strength” (Philippians 4:13) NIV
Honestly, loving someone when you are tired is not great at all. Even I get angry and frustrated at my 'loveable' boyfriend when he teases me after a long day (Yes, even when I am not working, I get exhausted from going out).
Trust me; nobody can strengthen you but God. I learnt this the hard way. My verdict (tried and proven to be true): God is the only one you should have a conversation with when you feel like upset, disappointed or frustrated.
He is the one you can find to have your heart renewed, your soul rejuvenated, your mind restored and you strength replenished. Why? To talk or whine (for girls) is to express your heart out when you are burdened with secrets you know, gossips you wish you could tell someone, cares or worries for others or yourself. God said when you surrender to Him and come to Him with ALL your anxieties, He will give you rest. You will notice slowly, your grip from these worries start to fade away as you begin to take upon His yoke that is easy and light.
So, I have been convicted by God to grab the opportunity to LOVE someone today and to LOVE with the strength that He alone gives freely. What say you?
With His Love and mine,
He is the one you can find to have your heart renewed, your soul rejuvenated, your mind restored and you strength replenished. Why? To talk or whine (for girls) is to express your heart out when you are burdened with secrets you know, gossips you wish you could tell someone, cares or worries for others or yourself. God said when you surrender to Him and come to Him with ALL your anxieties, He will give you rest. You will notice slowly, your grip from these worries start to fade away as you begin to take upon His yoke that is easy and light.
So, I have been convicted by God to grab the opportunity to LOVE someone today and to LOVE with the strength that He alone gives freely. What say you?
With His Love and mine,
The sharing since the first day has been getting better and better. It's just so awesome to know that we are doing this together!!!
I must admit I am guilty of loving those who I am close with. So, as I am writing this, I am writing from a point of view that I am guilty of charge of not loving my neighbour as myself. Today I would like to give my two cents worth of thoughts of what I have gotten out of loving someone as your neighbour.
Let me start this sharing with an experience I had. I was taking the bus to city one day. As usual, I’d be listening to my iPod, as I enter the bus, ignoring the bus driver, walking and trying to spot a seat. To my surprise that day, as I got on the bus, I saw an asian guy praying for an angmo old lady. I was amazed. It is unusual for this to happen. We don’t normally see someone doing that and what more of ourselves doing it. What the guy did got me asking myself this question. What did I do in my everyday life to show that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ?
Physically, there is only one of us. And we can’t manage to show our love to everyone but we can simply share our love when an opportunity arises. I am a fast pace person. I rush through things at times. With God, rushing is definitely not in His vocabulary. I learn this over the years when I started to know God more. It’s the same with loving people. When the chance arises for you to love a person, grab it and make the most of it to build a relationship without rushing or keeping a time boundary. Jesus is the perfect example. He didn’t hasten through his ministry years but He makes the most of it everywhere He went.
Coming back to the asian guy who prayed for the angmo old lady I saw on the bus. That would have been a great opportunity to love someone through praying for them. I believe that that guy can be one of us when we learn to love someone as our neighbour. Stop giving excuses to say that you are exhausted from work or studies or if it is in the morning, “it’s too early”. You might never know the little things you do can lead a person to eternal life with God.
I must admit I am guilty of loving those who I am close with. So, as I am writing this, I am writing from a point of view that I am guilty of charge of not loving my neighbour as myself. Today I would like to give my two cents worth of thoughts of what I have gotten out of loving someone as your neighbour.
Let me start this sharing with an experience I had. I was taking the bus to city one day. As usual, I’d be listening to my iPod, as I enter the bus, ignoring the bus driver, walking and trying to spot a seat. To my surprise that day, as I got on the bus, I saw an asian guy praying for an angmo old lady. I was amazed. It is unusual for this to happen. We don’t normally see someone doing that and what more of ourselves doing it. What the guy did got me asking myself this question. What did I do in my everyday life to show that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ?
Consistent love can be expressed one opportunity at one time
Physically, there is only one of us. And we can’t manage to show our love to everyone but we can simply share our love when an opportunity arises. I am a fast pace person. I rush through things at times. With God, rushing is definitely not in His vocabulary. I learn this over the years when I started to know God more. It’s the same with loving people. When the chance arises for you to love a person, grab it and make the most of it to build a relationship without rushing or keeping a time boundary. Jesus is the perfect example. He didn’t hasten through his ministry years but He makes the most of it everywhere He went.
Coming back to the asian guy who prayed for the angmo old lady I saw on the bus. That would have been a great opportunity to love someone through praying for them. I believe that that guy can be one of us when we learn to love someone as our neighbour. Stop giving excuses to say that you are exhausted from work or studies or if it is in the morning, “it’s too early”. You might never know the little things you do can lead a person to eternal life with God.
How to love, when we do not have it?
How are we able to give something that we don’t have? If we don’t have strength to love, how can we love? Remember God is our provider. He is our Jehovah Jireh. He is the source of everything. Everything comes from Him alone. Strength alone comes from Him.
I can do all this through Him who gives strength” (Philippians 4:13) NIV
Honestly, loving someone when you are tired is not great at all. Even I get angry and frustrated at my 'loveable' boyfriend when he teases me after a long day (Yes, even when I am not working, I get exhausted from going out).
Trust me; nobody can strengthen you but God. I learnt this the hard way. My verdict (tried and proven to be true): God is the only one you should have a conversation with when you feel like upset, disappointed or frustrated.
He is the one you can find to have your heart renewed, your soul rejuvenated, your mind restored and you strength replenished. Why? To talk or whine (for girls) is to express your heart out when you are burdened with secrets you know, gossips you wish you could tell someone, cares or worries for others or yourself. God said when you surrender to Him and come to Him with ALL your anxieties, He will give you rest. You will notice slowly, your grip from these worries start to fade away as you begin to take upon His yoke that is easy and light.
So, I have been convicted by God to grab the opportunity to LOVE someone today and to LOVE with the strength that He alone gives freely. What say you?
With His Love and mine,
He is the one you can find to have your heart renewed, your soul rejuvenated, your mind restored and you strength replenished. Why? To talk or whine (for girls) is to express your heart out when you are burdened with secrets you know, gossips you wish you could tell someone, cares or worries for others or yourself. God said when you surrender to Him and come to Him with ALL your anxieties, He will give you rest. You will notice slowly, your grip from these worries start to fade away as you begin to take upon His yoke that is easy and light.
So, I have been convicted by God to grab the opportunity to LOVE someone today and to LOVE with the strength that He alone gives freely. What say you?
With His Love and mine,

day 6 speaks about loving everyone as your neighbour and loving your neighbour as yourself. so... it also means loving everyone as yourself. now now now... for some, this may be a tall order.. if one loves himself by going out for good food.. loving everyone as yourself would mean bringing everyone out for good food. O.O or if one loves himself by looking the mirror and telling himself how good looking he is.. loving everyone as yourself would mean praising everyone on their good looks (even if you dun think they deserve it) =.= [ok.. not literally..]
it is so easy for us to limit how much we love others.. and the chapter metioned 2 reasons why we limit ourselves. (1) our differences (2) our fears
(1) we limit our love because of our differences
Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in his sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
- Clare Herbert Woolston
God loves us all. despite our differences. even as the song says, red and yellow, black and white ALL of us are precious in HIS sight.. it doesn't say God only loves peter or josh or shuyin or jasper or leemun or rachel or jon.. it says ALL. many times, it is our differences that stands in our way to have that intimate relationship with our friends, with family, with God. we need to learn to put aside our differences, and learn how to love each other.All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in his sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
- Clare Herbert Woolston
let me share a personal experience with you.. while working at subway, in the evening, there will always be this group of people that comes in. what annoys me most is their consistent demands for extra ingredients, so each time i serve them it would not be with a smile on my face and sometimes i'm even rude, and i could see i was influencing the way my collegues serve them as well.. one day, i had a sudden realisation about how i haven't been loving them as God did. I wasn't.
of course now, i try my best to love them. it says "love your neighbour as yourself". No, it was not an easy thing to do, it did not make them any more lovable but i kept reminding myself about God's commandment for me, and how He loves them too. each time we try to love with our own human strength, we loose track of His abundant love and grace. we fall back on our own human's perception of Love.
Let us really express His kind of love in our lives!
(2) we limit our love because of our fears
it is a risk to love. and love is the greatest risk you will ever take.
nothing in this life is guaranteed. [except for 1 thing. which i will reveal further down.] every action we take will be a risk. including love. many times, we are afraid of rejection, afraid of being hurt afraid of people laughing at us.
its time you go back to the days where you were in primary school, after a "big fight" with your best friend, you go back to our best friend and start talking and some how, you're best of friends again! (ok maybe only girls do that. i'm not sure about guys) yes, it maybe childish. but one thing we can learn is that we were not afraid to go back and make friends again. not afraid of others laughing at us or isolating us. lets not be afraid to take risks.
life is all about risk. and only 1 thing is guaranteed. that is God's LOVE. His perfect love. "...perfect love casts out fear..." -1 John 4:18
lets lean on His perfect LOVE as we take risks in life. even if everyone else fails you, God will never fail you.
Loving EVERYONE as your neighbour is not going to be an easy task for some of you. BUT we cannot limit our God of miracles.. all that He demands of us is for us to depend on Him for the power of LOVE, and from there to go and love others.
"I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
- Edward Everett Hale
there is something that each and everyone of us can do to love the people around us abit more. it doesn't need to be the biggest earth shaking event. it could be the smallest action that you decide to do that only God sees. YOU CAN DO SOMETHING!But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
- Edward Everett Hale
my challenge for you is to stop placing conditions and limits in your life to hinder our ability to love. lets allow God's LOVE to flow through our lives. remember: use HIS strength
I choose to Love with God's LOVE today.
How bout you?
♥ eunice

day 6 speaks about loving everyone as your neighbour and loving your neighbour as yourself. so... it also means loving everyone as yourself. now now now... for some, this may be a tall order.. if one loves himself by going out for good food.. loving everyone as yourself would mean bringing everyone out for good food. O.O or if one loves himself by looking the mirror and telling himself how good looking he is.. loving everyone as yourself would mean praising everyone on their good looks (even if you dun think they deserve it) =.= [ok.. not literally..]
it is so easy for us to limit how much we love others.. and the chapter metioned 2 reasons why we limit ourselves. (1) our differences (2) our fears
(1) we limit our love because of our differences
Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in his sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
- Clare Herbert Woolston
God loves us all. despite our differences. even as the song says, red and yellow, black and white ALL of us are precious in HIS sight.. it doesn't say God only loves peter or josh or shuyin or jasper or leemun or rachel or jon.. it says ALL. many times, it is our differences that stands in our way to have that intimate relationship with our friends, with family, with God. we need to learn to put aside our differences, and learn how to love each other.All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in his sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
- Clare Herbert Woolston
let me share a personal experience with you.. while working at subway, in the evening, there will always be this group of people that comes in. what annoys me most is their consistent demands for extra ingredients, so each time i serve them it would not be with a smile on my face and sometimes i'm even rude, and i could see i was influencing the way my collegues serve them as well.. one day, i had a sudden realisation about how i haven't been loving them as God did. I wasn't.
of course now, i try my best to love them. it says "love your neighbour as yourself". No, it was not an easy thing to do, it did not make them any more lovable but i kept reminding myself about God's commandment for me, and how He loves them too. each time we try to love with our own human strength, we loose track of His abundant love and grace. we fall back on our own human's perception of Love.
Let us really express His kind of love in our lives!
(2) we limit our love because of our fears
it is a risk to love. and love is the greatest risk you will ever take.
nothing in this life is guaranteed. [except for 1 thing. which i will reveal further down.] every action we take will be a risk. including love. many times, we are afraid of rejection, afraid of being hurt afraid of people laughing at us.
its time you go back to the days where you were in primary school, after a "big fight" with your best friend, you go back to our best friend and start talking and some how, you're best of friends again! (ok maybe only girls do that. i'm not sure about guys) yes, it maybe childish. but one thing we can learn is that we were not afraid to go back and make friends again. not afraid of others laughing at us or isolating us. lets not be afraid to take risks.
life is all about risk. and only 1 thing is guaranteed. that is God's LOVE. His perfect love. "...perfect love casts out fear..." -1 John 4:18
lets lean on His perfect LOVE as we take risks in life. even if everyone else fails you, God will never fail you.
Loving EVERYONE as your neighbour is not going to be an easy task for some of you. BUT we cannot limit our God of miracles.. all that He demands of us is for us to depend on Him for the power of LOVE, and from there to go and love others.
"I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
- Edward Everett Hale
there is something that each and everyone of us can do to love the people around us abit more. it doesn't need to be the biggest earth shaking event. it could be the smallest action that you decide to do that only God sees. YOU CAN DO SOMETHING!But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
- Edward Everett Hale
my challenge for you is to stop placing conditions and limits in your life to hinder our ability to love. lets allow God's LOVE to flow through our lives. remember: use HIS strength
I choose to Love with God's LOVE today.
How bout you?
♥ eunice
Don’t you think our God is so amazing? The way He relates to each of us is so individual and personal. The words that He has given us are so edifying and meaningful. Let’s take what we have read over and over on these few days:
'Love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.'
First of all, we feel the love (HEART). Then, the desire and passion (SOUL) drive to decision and focus on God’s will which lead our thoughts (MIND) to stay in tune with God’s thoughts and actions (STRENGTH) after that to do what God wants us to do.
First thought came to my mind is 'Wow, what a perfect order!!! '
Don’t you think that’s the way our God wants us to be: Heart first and then soul; mind; strength but not the other way round nor in any other order.
Our HEART is where we feel;
Our SOUL is where we decide;
Our MIND is where we think; and
Our STRENGTH is where our inner thoughts and feelings be translated physically to interact with the outer world.
I’m pretty sure Stan and Let had shared deeply to love God with ALL your HEART, ALL your SOUL. As well as what Peter and Max shared their thoughts: nothing is more important than relationship and the attraction of lesser things. They all are so inspiring and practical. Everything that we had read so far seems to be so easy to understand… ‘Oh yea, I know’ (does it sound familiar to you? Aren’t we always say this regardless we truly grasp the meaning)…
Yet, it is so difficult to do as there is so much in our lives to worry or distract or tempt us.
Hey, Cheers up!!!
Good news and hope to all of us as with God all things are possible. Therefore, no matter how hard the task or how terrible the circumstances can be, let’s persevere and hold on our faith unto God and He will pull us through. I really thank God for giving me a renewing mind to think from His perspective; to understand His words, the truth; to discern what is good and evil; as well as strength to practise His love on top of a heart to feel and a soul to decide. Although we still make mistakes at times, but I know that God still love us and what He wants is to see us try ALL of our best.
Some may ask ‘isn’t our mind that helps to decide?’ Perhaps you are right if it is applicable to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (e.g. decide on what to eat or buy or study etc.) but when it comes to love, it is our soul drives to decision and mind leads to actions and then actions determine the conclusion (destiny). Nevertheless, regardless how the way He talks to you may be varied on what He does to me (the way He answer our prayers may be different too), but one thing that I am 100% sure is the love He has for you and me, all of us here, is the same.
Let’s practise together now ‘LOVE the LORD your God with ALL your HEART, ALL your SOUL, ALL your MIND, and ALL your STRENGTH’!
[Proverbs 3:5-6] Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall make your paths straight.
'Love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.'
First of all, we feel the love (HEART). Then, the desire and passion (SOUL) drive to decision and focus on God’s will which lead our thoughts (MIND) to stay in tune with God’s thoughts and actions (STRENGTH) after that to do what God wants us to do.
First thought came to my mind is 'Wow, what a perfect order!!! '
Don’t you think that’s the way our God wants us to be: Heart first and then soul; mind; strength but not the other way round nor in any other order.
Our HEART is where we feel;
Our SOUL is where we decide;
Our MIND is where we think; and
Our STRENGTH is where our inner thoughts and feelings be translated physically to interact with the outer world.
I’m pretty sure Stan and Let had shared deeply to love God with ALL your HEART, ALL your SOUL. As well as what Peter and Max shared their thoughts: nothing is more important than relationship and the attraction of lesser things. They all are so inspiring and practical. Everything that we had read so far seems to be so easy to understand… ‘Oh yea, I know’ (does it sound familiar to you? Aren’t we always say this regardless we truly grasp the meaning)…
Yet, it is so difficult to do as there is so much in our lives to worry or distract or tempt us.
Hey, Cheers up!!!
Good news and hope to all of us as with God all things are possible. Therefore, no matter how hard the task or how terrible the circumstances can be, let’s persevere and hold on our faith unto God and He will pull us through. I really thank God for giving me a renewing mind to think from His perspective; to understand His words, the truth; to discern what is good and evil; as well as strength to practise His love on top of a heart to feel and a soul to decide. Although we still make mistakes at times, but I know that God still love us and what He wants is to see us try ALL of our best.
Some may ask ‘isn’t our mind that helps to decide?’ Perhaps you are right if it is applicable to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (e.g. decide on what to eat or buy or study etc.) but when it comes to love, it is our soul drives to decision and mind leads to actions and then actions determine the conclusion (destiny). Nevertheless, regardless how the way He talks to you may be varied on what He does to me (the way He answer our prayers may be different too), but one thing that I am 100% sure is the love He has for you and me, all of us here, is the same.
Let’s practise together now ‘LOVE the LORD your God with ALL your HEART, ALL your SOUL, ALL your MIND, and ALL your STRENGTH’!
[Proverbs 3:5-6] Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall make your paths straight.
Don’t you think our God is so amazing? The way He relates to each of us is so individual and personal. The words that He has given us are so edifying and meaningful. Let’s take what we have read over and over on these few days:
'Love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.'
First of all, we feel the love (HEART). Then, the desire and passion (SOUL) drive to decision and focus on God’s will which lead our thoughts (MIND) to stay in tune with God’s thoughts and actions (STRENGTH) after that to do what God wants us to do.
First thought came to my mind is 'Wow, what a perfect order!!! '
Don’t you think that’s the way our God wants us to be: Heart first and then soul; mind; strength but not the other way round nor in any other order.
Our HEART is where we feel;
Our SOUL is where we decide;
Our MIND is where we think; and
Our STRENGTH is where our inner thoughts and feelings be translated physically to interact with the outer world.
I’m pretty sure Stan and Let had shared deeply to love God with ALL your HEART, ALL your SOUL. As well as what Peter and Max shared their thoughts: nothing is more important than relationship and the attraction of lesser things. They all are so inspiring and practical. Everything that we had read so far seems to be so easy to understand… ‘Oh yea, I know’ (does it sound familiar to you? Aren’t we always say this regardless we truly grasp the meaning)…
Yet, it is so difficult to do as there is so much in our lives to worry or distract or tempt us.
Hey, Cheers up!!!
Good news and hope to all of us as with God all things are possible. Therefore, no matter how hard the task or how terrible the circumstances can be, let’s persevere and hold on our faith unto God and He will pull us through. I really thank God for giving me a renewing mind to think from His perspective; to understand His words, the truth; to discern what is good and evil; as well as strength to practise His love on top of a heart to feel and a soul to decide. Although we still make mistakes at times, but I know that God still love us and what He wants is to see us try ALL of our best.
Some may ask ‘isn’t our mind that helps to decide?’ Perhaps you are right if it is applicable to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (e.g. decide on what to eat or buy or study etc.) but when it comes to love, it is our soul drives to decision and mind leads to actions and then actions determine the conclusion (destiny). Nevertheless, regardless how the way He talks to you may be varied on what He does to me (the way He answer our prayers may be different too), but one thing that I am 100% sure is the love He has for you and me, all of us here, is the same.
Let’s practise together now ‘LOVE the LORD your God with ALL your HEART, ALL your SOUL, ALL your MIND, and ALL your STRENGTH’!
[Proverbs 3:5-6] Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall make your paths straight.
'Love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.'
First of all, we feel the love (HEART). Then, the desire and passion (SOUL) drive to decision and focus on God’s will which lead our thoughts (MIND) to stay in tune with God’s thoughts and actions (STRENGTH) after that to do what God wants us to do.
First thought came to my mind is 'Wow, what a perfect order!!! '
Don’t you think that’s the way our God wants us to be: Heart first and then soul; mind; strength but not the other way round nor in any other order.
Our HEART is where we feel;
Our SOUL is where we decide;
Our MIND is where we think; and
Our STRENGTH is where our inner thoughts and feelings be translated physically to interact with the outer world.
I’m pretty sure Stan and Let had shared deeply to love God with ALL your HEART, ALL your SOUL. As well as what Peter and Max shared their thoughts: nothing is more important than relationship and the attraction of lesser things. They all are so inspiring and practical. Everything that we had read so far seems to be so easy to understand… ‘Oh yea, I know’ (does it sound familiar to you? Aren’t we always say this regardless we truly grasp the meaning)…
Yet, it is so difficult to do as there is so much in our lives to worry or distract or tempt us.
Hey, Cheers up!!!
Good news and hope to all of us as with God all things are possible. Therefore, no matter how hard the task or how terrible the circumstances can be, let’s persevere and hold on our faith unto God and He will pull us through. I really thank God for giving me a renewing mind to think from His perspective; to understand His words, the truth; to discern what is good and evil; as well as strength to practise His love on top of a heart to feel and a soul to decide. Although we still make mistakes at times, but I know that God still love us and what He wants is to see us try ALL of our best.
Some may ask ‘isn’t our mind that helps to decide?’ Perhaps you are right if it is applicable to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (e.g. decide on what to eat or buy or study etc.) but when it comes to love, it is our soul drives to decision and mind leads to actions and then actions determine the conclusion (destiny). Nevertheless, regardless how the way He talks to you may be varied on what He does to me (the way He answer our prayers may be different too), but one thing that I am 100% sure is the love He has for you and me, all of us here, is the same.
Let’s practise together now ‘LOVE the LORD your God with ALL your HEART, ALL your SOUL, ALL your MIND, and ALL your STRENGTH’!
[Proverbs 3:5-6] Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall make your paths straight.
"Love Him with ALL your SOUL. Your soul is where you DECIDE. Have you ever decided to do something, even though you didnt feel like doing it? You have a will. You're NOT driven by emotions or even by your thoughts. YOUR SOUL DECIDES."
We read that yesterday. Today, we are given more insight into what that really means. And as I type this, like Stan, I am not in the attempt to type out a sermon note here. We are all on the same page, what I read this morning still needs to be digested in me but here are my thoughts thus far and this is what I would say to myself:
My soul decides. I have a will. My soul is the power by which I live. If that is so, then why is it that I so easily fall into temptation? If my soul is the POWER by which I live by, why do I feel defeated and weak so easily? If my soul decides, why is it so hard for me to say "NO" when I really need to say "no"? These are the battles that I constantly fight in my inward being. Struggles that trouble my heart though not visible by others. So i really need to ask myself honestly, have i been living by mere emotions? (my soul decides) Have I been driven by my own thoughts? (my soul decides) Have I given in or given up? (my soul decides)
I NEED TO WAKE UP! I need to start getting a grip of my own life. I am in control because GOD IN ME is in control. It's time for me to stand up, be in control and live a life of conviction. "Your soul is your will to decide; it has to do with the direction your life is taking." If I do not start taking control of myself, i will continue to go downstream; being blinded by emotions, tossed and turned around because: i. just. cant. decide.
"Your soul is your DESIRES and PASSIONS" So if I can just get myself to DECIDE, my PASSION will drive me to do many things in life. It's like the "IT" factor. If i have IT, IT will drive me to seek Him passionately. IT will drive me to love Him, love His people. IT will drive me to be so in love with His Word, prayer and worship. IT will drive me to serve. IT will drive me to be so madly and deeply in tuned with Him; just wanting to LIVE FOR HIM and be able to say "You know what God, dont worry about my own expectations of what life should be, YOUR WILL be done in my life. Here I am. Nah! Take me! Use me!"
That's IT! That's PASSION! I want that. I want to be so passionate, so hungry for more, so thirsty for His presence, so madly in love with Him that I am able to let go of my whole self - and it's just me and Him. sounds great. sounds inspiring. but it's almost always impossible. easier said than done. But I will strive towards it. I will be honest with Him when I pray, and to let Him know that I truly want to learn to love Him with ALL my soul and I need His help to work in me to get me there.
Why? Because I am the only ME in all of creation. That means He's longing to hear MY voice, He's longing to see ME grow, He's waiting on ME to listen to His voice. HE WANTS ME! He wants ME to read His Word (not letting others interpreting it for me, but I MYSELF understanding Him), He wants to listen to MY voice in prayer (and not just others interceeding for me), He wants to hear MY worship to Him, He wants to see ME dancing/jumping around passionately and excitedly for Him, He wants to see ME on my knees before His throne. Not others. But ME. He wants ME. I have to question myself honestly, am I giving Him: "ME"? I need to stop looking to the right and to the left; I need to start walking on my own path with my God.
My soul decides. I am deciding on HIM today.
We read that yesterday. Today, we are given more insight into what that really means. And as I type this, like Stan, I am not in the attempt to type out a sermon note here. We are all on the same page, what I read this morning still needs to be digested in me but here are my thoughts thus far and this is what I would say to myself:
My soul decides. I have a will. My soul is the power by which I live. If that is so, then why is it that I so easily fall into temptation? If my soul is the POWER by which I live by, why do I feel defeated and weak so easily? If my soul decides, why is it so hard for me to say "NO" when I really need to say "no"? These are the battles that I constantly fight in my inward being. Struggles that trouble my heart though not visible by others. So i really need to ask myself honestly, have i been living by mere emotions? (my soul decides) Have I been driven by my own thoughts? (my soul decides) Have I given in or given up? (my soul decides)
I NEED TO WAKE UP! I need to start getting a grip of my own life. I am in control because GOD IN ME is in control. It's time for me to stand up, be in control and live a life of conviction. "Your soul is your will to decide; it has to do with the direction your life is taking." If I do not start taking control of myself, i will continue to go downstream; being blinded by emotions, tossed and turned around because: i. just. cant. decide.
"Your soul is your DESIRES and PASSIONS" So if I can just get myself to DECIDE, my PASSION will drive me to do many things in life. It's like the "IT" factor. If i have IT, IT will drive me to seek Him passionately. IT will drive me to love Him, love His people. IT will drive me to be so in love with His Word, prayer and worship. IT will drive me to serve. IT will drive me to be so madly and deeply in tuned with Him; just wanting to LIVE FOR HIM and be able to say "You know what God, dont worry about my own expectations of what life should be, YOUR WILL be done in my life. Here I am. Nah! Take me! Use me!"
That's IT! That's PASSION! I want that. I want to be so passionate, so hungry for more, so thirsty for His presence, so madly in love with Him that I am able to let go of my whole self - and it's just me and Him. sounds great. sounds inspiring. but it's almost always impossible. easier said than done. But I will strive towards it. I will be honest with Him when I pray, and to let Him know that I truly want to learn to love Him with ALL my soul and I need His help to work in me to get me there.
Why? Because I am the only ME in all of creation. That means He's longing to hear MY voice, He's longing to see ME grow, He's waiting on ME to listen to His voice. HE WANTS ME! He wants ME to read His Word (not letting others interpreting it for me, but I MYSELF understanding Him), He wants to listen to MY voice in prayer (and not just others interceeding for me), He wants to hear MY worship to Him, He wants to see ME dancing/jumping around passionately and excitedly for Him, He wants to see ME on my knees before His throne. Not others. But ME. He wants ME. I have to question myself honestly, am I giving Him: "ME"? I need to stop looking to the right and to the left; I need to start walking on my own path with my God.
My soul decides. I am deciding on HIM today.
"Love Him with ALL your SOUL. Your soul is where you DECIDE. Have you ever decided to do something, even though you didnt feel like doing it? You have a will. You're NOT driven by emotions or even by your thoughts. YOUR SOUL DECIDES."
We read that yesterday. Today, we are given more insight into what that really means. And as I type this, like Stan, I am not in the attempt to type out a sermon note here. We are all on the same page, what I read this morning still needs to be digested in me but here are my thoughts thus far and this is what I would say to myself:
My soul decides. I have a will. My soul is the power by which I live. If that is so, then why is it that I so easily fall into temptation? If my soul is the POWER by which I live by, why do I feel defeated and weak so easily? If my soul decides, why is it so hard for me to say "NO" when I really need to say "no"? These are the battles that I constantly fight in my inward being. Struggles that trouble my heart though not visible by others. So i really need to ask myself honestly, have i been living by mere emotions? (my soul decides) Have I been driven by my own thoughts? (my soul decides) Have I given in or given up? (my soul decides)
I NEED TO WAKE UP! I need to start getting a grip of my own life. I am in control because GOD IN ME is in control. It's time for me to stand up, be in control and live a life of conviction. "Your soul is your will to decide; it has to do with the direction your life is taking." If I do not start taking control of myself, i will continue to go downstream; being blinded by emotions, tossed and turned around because: i. just. cant. decide.
"Your soul is your DESIRES and PASSIONS" So if I can just get myself to DECIDE, my PASSION will drive me to do many things in life. It's like the "IT" factor. If i have IT, IT will drive me to seek Him passionately. IT will drive me to love Him, love His people. IT will drive me to be so in love with His Word, prayer and worship. IT will drive me to serve. IT will drive me to be so madly and deeply in tuned with Him; just wanting to LIVE FOR HIM and be able to say "You know what God, dont worry about my own expectations of what life should be, YOUR WILL be done in my life. Here I am. Nah! Take me! Use me!"
That's IT! That's PASSION! I want that. I want to be so passionate, so hungry for more, so thirsty for His presence, so madly in love with Him that I am able to let go of my whole self - and it's just me and Him. sounds great. sounds inspiring. but it's almost always impossible. easier said than done. But I will strive towards it. I will be honest with Him when I pray, and to let Him know that I truly want to learn to love Him with ALL my soul and I need His help to work in me to get me there.
Why? Because I am the only ME in all of creation. That means He's longing to hear MY voice, He's longing to see ME grow, He's waiting on ME to listen to His voice. HE WANTS ME! He wants ME to read His Word (not letting others interpreting it for me, but I MYSELF understanding Him), He wants to listen to MY voice in prayer (and not just others interceeding for me), He wants to hear MY worship to Him, He wants to see ME dancing/jumping around passionately and excitedly for Him, He wants to see ME on my knees before His throne. Not others. But ME. He wants ME. I have to question myself honestly, am I giving Him: "ME"? I need to stop looking to the right and to the left; I need to start walking on my own path with my God.
My soul decides. I am deciding on HIM today.
We read that yesterday. Today, we are given more insight into what that really means. And as I type this, like Stan, I am not in the attempt to type out a sermon note here. We are all on the same page, what I read this morning still needs to be digested in me but here are my thoughts thus far and this is what I would say to myself:
My soul decides. I have a will. My soul is the power by which I live. If that is so, then why is it that I so easily fall into temptation? If my soul is the POWER by which I live by, why do I feel defeated and weak so easily? If my soul decides, why is it so hard for me to say "NO" when I really need to say "no"? These are the battles that I constantly fight in my inward being. Struggles that trouble my heart though not visible by others. So i really need to ask myself honestly, have i been living by mere emotions? (my soul decides) Have I been driven by my own thoughts? (my soul decides) Have I given in or given up? (my soul decides)
I NEED TO WAKE UP! I need to start getting a grip of my own life. I am in control because GOD IN ME is in control. It's time for me to stand up, be in control and live a life of conviction. "Your soul is your will to decide; it has to do with the direction your life is taking." If I do not start taking control of myself, i will continue to go downstream; being blinded by emotions, tossed and turned around because: i. just. cant. decide.
"Your soul is your DESIRES and PASSIONS" So if I can just get myself to DECIDE, my PASSION will drive me to do many things in life. It's like the "IT" factor. If i have IT, IT will drive me to seek Him passionately. IT will drive me to love Him, love His people. IT will drive me to be so in love with His Word, prayer and worship. IT will drive me to serve. IT will drive me to be so madly and deeply in tuned with Him; just wanting to LIVE FOR HIM and be able to say "You know what God, dont worry about my own expectations of what life should be, YOUR WILL be done in my life. Here I am. Nah! Take me! Use me!"
That's IT! That's PASSION! I want that. I want to be so passionate, so hungry for more, so thirsty for His presence, so madly in love with Him that I am able to let go of my whole self - and it's just me and Him. sounds great. sounds inspiring. but it's almost always impossible. easier said than done. But I will strive towards it. I will be honest with Him when I pray, and to let Him know that I truly want to learn to love Him with ALL my soul and I need His help to work in me to get me there.
Why? Because I am the only ME in all of creation. That means He's longing to hear MY voice, He's longing to see ME grow, He's waiting on ME to listen to His voice. HE WANTS ME! He wants ME to read His Word (not letting others interpreting it for me, but I MYSELF understanding Him), He wants to listen to MY voice in prayer (and not just others interceeding for me), He wants to hear MY worship to Him, He wants to see ME dancing/jumping around passionately and excitedly for Him, He wants to see ME on my knees before His throne. Not others. But ME. He wants ME. I have to question myself honestly, am I giving Him: "ME"? I need to stop looking to the right and to the left; I need to start walking on my own path with my God.
My soul decides. I am deciding on HIM today.
Loving God with all your HEART
Today, i write to you as a fellow Christian, not as a cell leader or music director but as a human with weaknesses and still on this journey with God. I hope that this post will not teach you or give you tips on how to love. Rather, i hope it will inspire you to really think about this aspect of loving God with all your heart and to learn from our God that is love.
Your heart is where you feel.
I have had the privilege of spending my last 3 days with my dad who came here on a surprise visit. He claims that it was "Hari Raya" (a public holiday in Malaysia) and could not find tickets back to Kuching but i think it's because he misses me so dearly. Over the last few days, i have come to a conclusion that my dad loves me. He really does.
I know that he loves me but does he know that I love him? Speaking from a 'son' point of view, it can be hard to look my dad in the eye and tell him that i love him what more to tell him all my feelings and emotions. Well, at least to me it is.
Ever wonder why Jesus refers to God as God the father? I reckon that in many ways, God is just like a father, my dad. Yes, my dad is flawed in many ways and he's not perfect but i can see the nature of God the father through him. You see, God is just like your earthly dad. It's just that God is like times 10000000 more better in everything and much much more patient, perfect and forgiving than our earthly dads.
But it's the same thing with all dads, they love us and they want our love back in return. I cant remember the number times my dad has asked me 'How are you?' and 'How's life?' over the past 3 days and it's always the same when we're on the phone. He always wants to know how I'm doing and how i'm feeling. The same is with God, He wants to know how we are doing and more importantly he wants us to express affection towards him.
Both of them want to know the things that we go through and struggles in life and basically open up our hearts to them. Not just the normal, 'I'm fine dad.........i ate KFC today' or 'Hello God........cell was awesome!!' Even though God knows every little detail about you and your lifestyle, he wants you to tell him how you feel and love Him by pouring out your heart. I know my dad feels love (and sometimes worry) when i pour out my heart to him.
I belive that it shows a deeper connection and a higher relationship level when i can tell him how i'm feeling and the struggles i face. The same is with God, our father when we pray to him emotionally, not out of our head and knowledge but when we pray out our hearts and feelings to him. Even though we might struggle when it comes to opening up with our eathly dads, we have a heavenly dad that already knows what is going on with us but just wants our affection and love in return.
It's not wrong to talk to God when your sad or angry or down or madly in attracted with somebody you saw at SFAS. I believe that we're all made in His image and God has feelings as well, just as we do, it's just that he can handle it much better.
So really think about it and tell Him about yourself and how and what you are feeling RIGHT NOW. He's yearning for us love Him by sharing our most hidden feelings and emotions.
"I am your creator. You were in my care even before you were born." Isaiah 44:2
Today, i write to you as a fellow Christian, not as a cell leader or music director but as a human with weaknesses and still on this journey with God. I hope that this post will not teach you or give you tips on how to love. Rather, i hope it will inspire you to really think about this aspect of loving God with all your heart and to learn from our God that is love.
Your heart is where you feel.
I have had the privilege of spending my last 3 days with my dad who came here on a surprise visit. He claims that it was "Hari Raya" (a public holiday in Malaysia) and could not find tickets back to Kuching but i think it's because he misses me so dearly. Over the last few days, i have come to a conclusion that my dad loves me. He really does.
I know that he loves me but does he know that I love him? Speaking from a 'son' point of view, it can be hard to look my dad in the eye and tell him that i love him what more to tell him all my feelings and emotions. Well, at least to me it is.
Ever wonder why Jesus refers to God as God the father? I reckon that in many ways, God is just like a father, my dad. Yes, my dad is flawed in many ways and he's not perfect but i can see the nature of God the father through him. You see, God is just like your earthly dad. It's just that God is like times 10000000 more better in everything and much much more patient, perfect and forgiving than our earthly dads.
But it's the same thing with all dads, they love us and they want our love back in return. I cant remember the number times my dad has asked me 'How are you?' and 'How's life?' over the past 3 days and it's always the same when we're on the phone. He always wants to know how I'm doing and how i'm feeling. The same is with God, He wants to know how we are doing and more importantly he wants us to express affection towards him.
Both of them want to know the things that we go through and struggles in life and basically open up our hearts to them. Not just the normal, 'I'm fine dad.........i ate KFC today' or 'Hello God........cell was awesome!!' Even though God knows every little detail about you and your lifestyle, he wants you to tell him how you feel and love Him by pouring out your heart. I know my dad feels love (and sometimes worry) when i pour out my heart to him.
I belive that it shows a deeper connection and a higher relationship level when i can tell him how i'm feeling and the struggles i face. The same is with God, our father when we pray to him emotionally, not out of our head and knowledge but when we pray out our hearts and feelings to him. Even though we might struggle when it comes to opening up with our eathly dads, we have a heavenly dad that already knows what is going on with us but just wants our affection and love in return.
It's not wrong to talk to God when your sad or angry or down or madly in attracted with somebody you saw at SFAS. I believe that we're all made in His image and God has feelings as well, just as we do, it's just that he can handle it much better.
So really think about it and tell Him about yourself and how and what you are feeling RIGHT NOW. He's yearning for us love Him by sharing our most hidden feelings and emotions.
"I am your creator. You were in my care even before you were born." Isaiah 44:2
Loving God with all your HEART
Today, i write to you as a fellow Christian, not as a cell leader or music director but as a human with weaknesses and still on this journey with God. I hope that this post will not teach you or give you tips on how to love. Rather, i hope it will inspire you to really think about this aspect of loving God with all your heart and to learn from our God that is love.
Your heart is where you feel.
I have had the privilege of spending my last 3 days with my dad who came here on a surprise visit. He claims that it was "Hari Raya" (a public holiday in Malaysia) and could not find tickets back to Kuching but i think it's because he misses me so dearly. Over the last few days, i have come to a conclusion that my dad loves me. He really does.
I know that he loves me but does he know that I love him? Speaking from a 'son' point of view, it can be hard to look my dad in the eye and tell him that i love him what more to tell him all my feelings and emotions. Well, at least to me it is.
Ever wonder why Jesus refers to God as God the father? I reckon that in many ways, God is just like a father, my dad. Yes, my dad is flawed in many ways and he's not perfect but i can see the nature of God the father through him. You see, God is just like your earthly dad. It's just that God is like times 10000000 more better in everything and much much more patient, perfect and forgiving than our earthly dads.
But it's the same thing with all dads, they love us and they want our love back in return. I cant remember the number times my dad has asked me 'How are you?' and 'How's life?' over the past 3 days and it's always the same when we're on the phone. He always wants to know how I'm doing and how i'm feeling. The same is with God, He wants to know how we are doing and more importantly he wants us to express affection towards him.
Both of them want to know the things that we go through and struggles in life and basically open up our hearts to them. Not just the normal, 'I'm fine dad.........i ate KFC today' or 'Hello God........cell was awesome!!' Even though God knows every little detail about you and your lifestyle, he wants you to tell him how you feel and love Him by pouring out your heart. I know my dad feels love (and sometimes worry) when i pour out my heart to him.
I belive that it shows a deeper connection and a higher relationship level when i can tell him how i'm feeling and the struggles i face. The same is with God, our father when we pray to him emotionally, not out of our head and knowledge but when we pray out our hearts and feelings to him. Even though we might struggle when it comes to opening up with our eathly dads, we have a heavenly dad that already knows what is going on with us but just wants our affection and love in return.
It's not wrong to talk to God when your sad or angry or down or madly in attracted with somebody you saw at SFAS. I believe that we're all made in His image and God has feelings as well, just as we do, it's just that he can handle it much better.
So really think about it and tell Him about yourself and how and what you are feeling RIGHT NOW. He's yearning for us love Him by sharing our most hidden feelings and emotions.
"I am your creator. You were in my care even before you were born." Isaiah 44:2
Today, i write to you as a fellow Christian, not as a cell leader or music director but as a human with weaknesses and still on this journey with God. I hope that this post will not teach you or give you tips on how to love. Rather, i hope it will inspire you to really think about this aspect of loving God with all your heart and to learn from our God that is love.
Your heart is where you feel.
I have had the privilege of spending my last 3 days with my dad who came here on a surprise visit. He claims that it was "Hari Raya" (a public holiday in Malaysia) and could not find tickets back to Kuching but i think it's because he misses me so dearly. Over the last few days, i have come to a conclusion that my dad loves me. He really does.
I know that he loves me but does he know that I love him? Speaking from a 'son' point of view, it can be hard to look my dad in the eye and tell him that i love him what more to tell him all my feelings and emotions. Well, at least to me it is.
Ever wonder why Jesus refers to God as God the father? I reckon that in many ways, God is just like a father, my dad. Yes, my dad is flawed in many ways and he's not perfect but i can see the nature of God the father through him. You see, God is just like your earthly dad. It's just that God is like times 10000000 more better in everything and much much more patient, perfect and forgiving than our earthly dads.
But it's the same thing with all dads, they love us and they want our love back in return. I cant remember the number times my dad has asked me 'How are you?' and 'How's life?' over the past 3 days and it's always the same when we're on the phone. He always wants to know how I'm doing and how i'm feeling. The same is with God, He wants to know how we are doing and more importantly he wants us to express affection towards him.
Both of them want to know the things that we go through and struggles in life and basically open up our hearts to them. Not just the normal, 'I'm fine dad.........i ate KFC today' or 'Hello God........cell was awesome!!' Even though God knows every little detail about you and your lifestyle, he wants you to tell him how you feel and love Him by pouring out your heart. I know my dad feels love (and sometimes worry) when i pour out my heart to him.
I belive that it shows a deeper connection and a higher relationship level when i can tell him how i'm feeling and the struggles i face. The same is with God, our father when we pray to him emotionally, not out of our head and knowledge but when we pray out our hearts and feelings to him. Even though we might struggle when it comes to opening up with our eathly dads, we have a heavenly dad that already knows what is going on with us but just wants our affection and love in return.
It's not wrong to talk to God when your sad or angry or down or madly in attracted with somebody you saw at SFAS. I believe that we're all made in His image and God has feelings as well, just as we do, it's just that he can handle it much better.
So really think about it and tell Him about yourself and how and what you are feeling RIGHT NOW. He's yearning for us love Him by sharing our most hidden feelings and emotions.
"I am your creator. You were in my care even before you were born." Isaiah 44:2
The Attraction of Lesser Things
Hey guys!! It's day 2 and here we go!!
As I read through this chapter, the first revelation I had ... is that I already know about this! I know that (1) relationships are more important than money and that (2) relationships are more important than tasks. Yes I heard that too many times, from too many preachers ... and chances are, that you're in the same boat with me. So let's do a little checkbox yeah?
Knowing these 2 facts - check
Understanding these 2 facts - check
Doing these 2 facts - not-so-check
Living these 2 facts - no comment pls
Yeah we know the principle and we know it is good stuff, but doing it constantly is a whole other ball game ... especially when we realize from Chapter 1 and from what Peter shared, that relationships are both wonderful and painful.
It's like how we see the opposite gender in that everlasting phrase "Can't live with them, can't live without them". So true when it comes to relationships ... sometimes we feel it would be much better to just simplify things by having surface or superficial relationships ... to avoid the heartaches, headaches and pain but that ultimately leads us to having no real & true relationships at all.
And what did Chapter 1 say about that? A life without relationships may well be a simpler life, but it is also an empty life. Let's remember this when we read on about relationships yeah?
Lesser values take less faith and less effort and The lesser value always seems easier
Again ... great pointers here BUT can we really understand and relate here? Most of us do not work full time, perhaps some part-time job to help out with the allowance and the nicer things in life but honestly ... none of us (Passion that is) really understands how $$ and the work that earns the $$ can control our lives. But we do understand something else quite clearly that funnily enough ... have the same excuses as working for money.
And that's our STUDIES. Let's look at our excuses yeah?
I got test/assignments coming up!
I got report/promotion coming up!
I have a responsibility to do well in my studies
I have a responsibility to earn a living
I'll have time after these exams/assignments
I'll have time after these promotions/project
Studies and work are important!! And we should excel in them because we honor God and become a good testimony and steward by doing well at our studies/work. But it shouldn't be what controls your life. I love the story of Bucky and I think we can slightly change his ending to make the moral more evident.
"I really can't afford to be gone right now, but decided that twenty years from now people wouldn't remember or care about my HDs, but the person who needs my time now will remember it for the rest of his/her life."
Friends, many of us make the excuse that "we will do it later when there's more time", but that will never happen. There's always another assignment, another report, another project. If we don't make the time now, we wouldn't when we start earning our wages.
Choose the greater value TODAY.
And there are some of us who worry about how little $$ we have as students and whether there will be enough at the end of the day. To this, God has the greatest encouragement for you.
"So I tell you, don't worry about everyday life - whether you have enough food, drink and clothes. Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing?" Matthew 6:25 NLT
Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing? Very strong words ... but very evident ones. We don't need to try to worry, there's plenty out there for us to worry about every single hour, minute and second. Life is more than just worrying, especially when we have the God of the how much more yeah?
In closing I want to share about a friend who recently found out he logged 300 DAYS PLAYING TIME on a certain game, that's close to a year in terms of time spent in front of the computer screen playing a game. I asked him what he had to show for all that time and money spent on that game ... what skills, what values, what impacting or life changing moments?
Friends, if we acknowledge the importance of money and time, then what do the ways in which I spend my time and money say about the top priorities in my life?
I don't judge my friend, and I actually think that game is really really awesome, something I could be sucked into as well! But this is a clear example of inbalance and like our book says ... A healthy relationship with God and healthy relationships with others have the power to keep our commitments to the things and the tasks in our lives from getting out of balance.
So let's invest in healthy relationships, towards others and especially to God. Remember ... choose the greater value today and not of those that are lesser things.
with much love,
Hey guys!! It's day 2 and here we go!!
As I read through this chapter, the first revelation I had ... is that I already know about this! I know that (1) relationships are more important than money and that (2) relationships are more important than tasks. Yes I heard that too many times, from too many preachers ... and chances are, that you're in the same boat with me. So let's do a little checkbox yeah?
Knowing these 2 facts - check
Understanding these 2 facts - check
Doing these 2 facts - not-so-check
Living these 2 facts - no comment pls
Yeah we know the principle and we know it is good stuff, but doing it constantly is a whole other ball game ... especially when we realize from Chapter 1 and from what Peter shared, that relationships are both wonderful and painful.
It's like how we see the opposite gender in that everlasting phrase "Can't live with them, can't live without them". So true when it comes to relationships ... sometimes we feel it would be much better to just simplify things by having surface or superficial relationships ... to avoid the heartaches, headaches and pain but that ultimately leads us to having no real & true relationships at all.
And what did Chapter 1 say about that? A life without relationships may well be a simpler life, but it is also an empty life. Let's remember this when we read on about relationships yeah?
Lesser values take less faith and less effort and The lesser value always seems easier
Again ... great pointers here BUT can we really understand and relate here? Most of us do not work full time, perhaps some part-time job to help out with the allowance and the nicer things in life but honestly ... none of us (Passion that is) really understands how $$ and the work that earns the $$ can control our lives. But we do understand something else quite clearly that funnily enough ... have the same excuses as working for money.
And that's our STUDIES. Let's look at our excuses yeah?
I got test/assignments coming up!
I got report/promotion coming up!
I have a responsibility to do well in my studies
I have a responsibility to earn a living
I'll have time after these exams/assignments
I'll have time after these promotions/project
Studies and work are important!! And we should excel in them because we honor God and become a good testimony and steward by doing well at our studies/work. But it shouldn't be what controls your life. I love the story of Bucky and I think we can slightly change his ending to make the moral more evident.
"I really can't afford to be gone right now, but decided that twenty years from now people wouldn't remember or care about my HDs, but the person who needs my time now will remember it for the rest of his/her life."
Friends, many of us make the excuse that "we will do it later when there's more time", but that will never happen. There's always another assignment, another report, another project. If we don't make the time now, we wouldn't when we start earning our wages.
Choose the greater value TODAY.
And there are some of us who worry about how little $$ we have as students and whether there will be enough at the end of the day. To this, God has the greatest encouragement for you.
"So I tell you, don't worry about everyday life - whether you have enough food, drink and clothes. Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing?" Matthew 6:25 NLT
Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing? Very strong words ... but very evident ones. We don't need to try to worry, there's plenty out there for us to worry about every single hour, minute and second. Life is more than just worrying, especially when we have the God of the how much more yeah?
In closing I want to share about a friend who recently found out he logged 300 DAYS PLAYING TIME on a certain game, that's close to a year in terms of time spent in front of the computer screen playing a game. I asked him what he had to show for all that time and money spent on that game ... what skills, what values, what impacting or life changing moments?
Friends, if we acknowledge the importance of money and time, then what do the ways in which I spend my time and money say about the top priorities in my life?
I don't judge my friend, and I actually think that game is really really awesome, something I could be sucked into as well! But this is a clear example of inbalance and like our book says ... A healthy relationship with God and healthy relationships with others have the power to keep our commitments to the things and the tasks in our lives from getting out of balance.
So let's invest in healthy relationships, towards others and especially to God. Remember ... choose the greater value today and not of those that are lesser things.
with much love,
The Attraction of Lesser Things
Hey guys!! It's day 2 and here we go!!
As I read through this chapter, the first revelation I had ... is that I already know about this! I know that (1) relationships are more important than money and that (2) relationships are more important than tasks. Yes I heard that too many times, from too many preachers ... and chances are, that you're in the same boat with me. So let's do a little checkbox yeah?
Knowing these 2 facts - check
Understanding these 2 facts - check
Doing these 2 facts - not-so-check
Living these 2 facts - no comment pls
Yeah we know the principle and we know it is good stuff, but doing it constantly is a whole other ball game ... especially when we realize from Chapter 1 and from what Peter shared, that relationships are both wonderful and painful.
It's like how we see the opposite gender in that everlasting phrase "Can't live with them, can't live without them". So true when it comes to relationships ... sometimes we feel it would be much better to just simplify things by having surface or superficial relationships ... to avoid the heartaches, headaches and pain but that ultimately leads us to having no real & true relationships at all.
And what did Chapter 1 say about that? A life without relationships may well be a simpler life, but it is also an empty life. Let's remember this when we read on about relationships yeah?
Lesser values take less faith and less effort and The lesser value always seems easier
Again ... great pointers here BUT can we really understand and relate here? Most of us do not work full time, perhaps some part-time job to help out with the allowance and the nicer things in life but honestly ... none of us (Passion that is) really understands how $$ and the work that earns the $$ can control our lives. But we do understand something else quite clearly that funnily enough ... have the same excuses as working for money.
And that's our STUDIES. Let's look at our excuses yeah?
I got test/assignments coming up!
I got report/promotion coming up!
I have a responsibility to do well in my studies
I have a responsibility to earn a living
I'll have time after these exams/assignments
I'll have time after these promotions/project
Studies and work are important!! And we should excel in them because we honor God and become a good testimony and steward by doing well at our studies/work. But it shouldn't be what controls your life. I love the story of Bucky and I think we can slightly change his ending to make the moral more evident.
"I really can't afford to be gone right now, but decided that twenty years from now people wouldn't remember or care about my HDs, but the person who needs my time now will remember it for the rest of his/her life."
Friends, many of us make the excuse that "we will do it later when there's more time", but that will never happen. There's always another assignment, another report, another project. If we don't make the time now, we wouldn't when we start earning our wages.
Choose the greater value TODAY.
And there are some of us who worry about how little $$ we have as students and whether there will be enough at the end of the day. To this, God has the greatest encouragement for you.
"So I tell you, don't worry about everyday life - whether you have enough food, drink and clothes. Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing?" Matthew 6:25 NLT
Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing? Very strong words ... but very evident ones. We don't need to try to worry, there's plenty out there for us to worry about every single hour, minute and second. Life is more than just worrying, especially when we have the God of the how much more yeah?
In closing I want to share about a friend who recently found out he logged 300 DAYS PLAYING TIME on a certain game, that's close to a year in terms of time spent in front of the computer screen playing a game. I asked him what he had to show for all that time and money spent on that game ... what skills, what values, what impacting or life changing moments?
Friends, if we acknowledge the importance of money and time, then what do the ways in which I spend my time and money say about the top priorities in my life?
I don't judge my friend, and I actually think that game is really really awesome, something I could be sucked into as well! But this is a clear example of inbalance and like our book says ... A healthy relationship with God and healthy relationships with others have the power to keep our commitments to the things and the tasks in our lives from getting out of balance.
So let's invest in healthy relationships, towards others and especially to God. Remember ... choose the greater value today and not of those that are lesser things.
with much love,
Hey guys!! It's day 2 and here we go!!
As I read through this chapter, the first revelation I had ... is that I already know about this! I know that (1) relationships are more important than money and that (2) relationships are more important than tasks. Yes I heard that too many times, from too many preachers ... and chances are, that you're in the same boat with me. So let's do a little checkbox yeah?
Knowing these 2 facts - check
Understanding these 2 facts - check
Doing these 2 facts - not-so-check
Living these 2 facts - no comment pls
Yeah we know the principle and we know it is good stuff, but doing it constantly is a whole other ball game ... especially when we realize from Chapter 1 and from what Peter shared, that relationships are both wonderful and painful.
It's like how we see the opposite gender in that everlasting phrase "Can't live with them, can't live without them". So true when it comes to relationships ... sometimes we feel it would be much better to just simplify things by having surface or superficial relationships ... to avoid the heartaches, headaches and pain but that ultimately leads us to having no real & true relationships at all.
And what did Chapter 1 say about that? A life without relationships may well be a simpler life, but it is also an empty life. Let's remember this when we read on about relationships yeah?
Lesser values take less faith and less effort and The lesser value always seems easier
Again ... great pointers here BUT can we really understand and relate here? Most of us do not work full time, perhaps some part-time job to help out with the allowance and the nicer things in life but honestly ... none of us (Passion that is) really understands how $$ and the work that earns the $$ can control our lives. But we do understand something else quite clearly that funnily enough ... have the same excuses as working for money.
And that's our STUDIES. Let's look at our excuses yeah?
I got test/assignments coming up!
I got report/promotion coming up!
I have a responsibility to do well in my studies
I have a responsibility to earn a living
I'll have time after these exams/assignments
I'll have time after these promotions/project
Studies and work are important!! And we should excel in them because we honor God and become a good testimony and steward by doing well at our studies/work. But it shouldn't be what controls your life. I love the story of Bucky and I think we can slightly change his ending to make the moral more evident.
"I really can't afford to be gone right now, but decided that twenty years from now people wouldn't remember or care about my HDs, but the person who needs my time now will remember it for the rest of his/her life."
Friends, many of us make the excuse that "we will do it later when there's more time", but that will never happen. There's always another assignment, another report, another project. If we don't make the time now, we wouldn't when we start earning our wages.
Choose the greater value TODAY.
And there are some of us who worry about how little $$ we have as students and whether there will be enough at the end of the day. To this, God has the greatest encouragement for you.
"So I tell you, don't worry about everyday life - whether you have enough food, drink and clothes. Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing?" Matthew 6:25 NLT
Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing? Very strong words ... but very evident ones. We don't need to try to worry, there's plenty out there for us to worry about every single hour, minute and second. Life is more than just worrying, especially when we have the God of the how much more yeah?
In closing I want to share about a friend who recently found out he logged 300 DAYS PLAYING TIME on a certain game, that's close to a year in terms of time spent in front of the computer screen playing a game. I asked him what he had to show for all that time and money spent on that game ... what skills, what values, what impacting or life changing moments?
Friends, if we acknowledge the importance of money and time, then what do the ways in which I spend my time and money say about the top priorities in my life?
I don't judge my friend, and I actually think that game is really really awesome, something I could be sucked into as well! But this is a clear example of inbalance and like our book says ... A healthy relationship with God and healthy relationships with others have the power to keep our commitments to the things and the tasks in our lives from getting out of balance.
So let's invest in healthy relationships, towards others and especially to God. Remember ... choose the greater value today and not of those that are lesser things.
with much love,
And here to start the ball rolling ... is our very own Zone Sup, Peter Kenner!!
40DOL: Day 1- Nothing is more important than relationships
Hi guys and gals. Welcome to the first day of 40 Days of Love! Hope you all have had a great couple of days with Search for a Star and are excited about what’s going to happen in your life, your cell group and your zone over the next 40 days. Each day one of your zone sups, cell leaders or cell interns will post their thoughts on the days reading on our blog so stay tuned for regular updates as we walk through the rest of the semester together. So let’s start!!!
“Relationships are painful. Relationships are wonderful.” The first two sentences of the book have really proven to be true in my life so far. It is always the people who are closest to us that bring us the most heartache but also the most joy. The people who truly know us for who we are, the ones that we let in and allow to speak into our lives are the ones that shape us into who we are as people even during the hard times of pain and hurt.
I dare say that there isn’t a person who hasn’t been hurt by someone during their life. It could be parents, siblings, course-mates, people from church, loved ones (BF/GF), someone you love but who doesn’t love you back, cell leaders (hopefully not!) and even zone sups (slightly more likely J). I’ve been through many of these times and found that for me worship is the best way of getting through it. After all, worship changes the focus from us to God, a God who demonstrates perfect love and will never fail us or let us down. There was a time recently that I went through a difficult situation that really was no-ones fault and I only really had peace when I was worshipping. From that worship came a song…
Verse 1
Here I stand in this burden
Weighed down by my hurt and pain
My strength fades, I grow weary
A thousand thoughts running through my head (and no-one understands)
Lord, I give my heart,
Lord, I give my heart, my soul to You,
Jesus, all I have is Yours.
Verse 2
You’re bigger than my failures
The God of the universe
Your heart is of love and compassion
So I can trust my life into Your hands (only in Your hands)
Verse 3
Your grace overwhelms me Jesus
Your love overcame my sin
So I walk in this life of promise
Until the day that I meet You face to face (I’m gonna see you Lord)
You take my burden, my pain, I’m lifted up in Your name
And in the midst of my strife, You are the fountain of life
So every breath I take, and every move that I make
Oh Lord wont You help me to see, that I’m not living for me
But as much as relationships and people can bring us hurt and pain, relationships are what life is really all about right? Firstly our relationship with God and secondly our relationship with the other people around us. What did Jesus say again?
Mark 12:29-31 (paraphrased):
“The most important [commandment]… is this:… ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as youself.’”
That’s why love should be our first priority in life. There are many times in my life when I haven’t had the answers. Times when people have asked me for advice and I’m not sure what the best thing to say is. Times when I’ve felt like I need to talk to someone about what’s happening in their life but don’t want to hurt them or break a friendship. Times when I look back and wish I could change the way I acted or something that I said that’s caused hurt and pain. So that’s what this is all about: Learning from the master, the God of love who sent His son to demonstrate to us not just what real love is but how to live a life of love. Let’s take up the challenge together as a zone and learn and practice love the way God wants us to, the way Jesus did, the way followers of Christ have tried to do for 2,000 years. And as we place the highest value on relationships I’m sure we’ll be surprised at how much we change ourselves in the process and are filled with the love and joy that God feels when He looks upon each person that He has created. One life to lead, laugh, learn, leap and LOVE. Let’s get to it!
Much love,
40DOL: Day 1- Nothing is more important than relationships
Hi guys and gals. Welcome to the first day of 40 Days of Love! Hope you all have had a great couple of days with Search for a Star and are excited about what’s going to happen in your life, your cell group and your zone over the next 40 days. Each day one of your zone sups, cell leaders or cell interns will post their thoughts on the days reading on our blog so stay tuned for regular updates as we walk through the rest of the semester together. So let’s start!!!
“Relationships are painful. Relationships are wonderful.” The first two sentences of the book have really proven to be true in my life so far. It is always the people who are closest to us that bring us the most heartache but also the most joy. The people who truly know us for who we are, the ones that we let in and allow to speak into our lives are the ones that shape us into who we are as people even during the hard times of pain and hurt.
I dare say that there isn’t a person who hasn’t been hurt by someone during their life. It could be parents, siblings, course-mates, people from church, loved ones (BF/GF), someone you love but who doesn’t love you back, cell leaders (hopefully not!) and even zone sups (slightly more likely J). I’ve been through many of these times and found that for me worship is the best way of getting through it. After all, worship changes the focus from us to God, a God who demonstrates perfect love and will never fail us or let us down. There was a time recently that I went through a difficult situation that really was no-ones fault and I only really had peace when I was worshipping. From that worship came a song…
Verse 1
Here I stand in this burden
Weighed down by my hurt and pain
My strength fades, I grow weary
A thousand thoughts running through my head (and no-one understands)
Lord, I give my heart,
Lord, I give my heart, my soul to You,
Jesus, all I have is Yours.
Verse 2
You’re bigger than my failures
The God of the universe
Your heart is of love and compassion
So I can trust my life into Your hands (only in Your hands)
Verse 3
Your grace overwhelms me Jesus
Your love overcame my sin
So I walk in this life of promise
Until the day that I meet You face to face (I’m gonna see you Lord)
You take my burden, my pain, I’m lifted up in Your name
And in the midst of my strife, You are the fountain of life
So every breath I take, and every move that I make
Oh Lord wont You help me to see, that I’m not living for me
But as much as relationships and people can bring us hurt and pain, relationships are what life is really all about right? Firstly our relationship with God and secondly our relationship with the other people around us. What did Jesus say again?
Mark 12:29-31 (paraphrased):
“The most important [commandment]… is this:… ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as youself.’”
That’s why love should be our first priority in life. There are many times in my life when I haven’t had the answers. Times when people have asked me for advice and I’m not sure what the best thing to say is. Times when I’ve felt like I need to talk to someone about what’s happening in their life but don’t want to hurt them or break a friendship. Times when I look back and wish I could change the way I acted or something that I said that’s caused hurt and pain. So that’s what this is all about: Learning from the master, the God of love who sent His son to demonstrate to us not just what real love is but how to live a life of love. Let’s take up the challenge together as a zone and learn and practice love the way God wants us to, the way Jesus did, the way followers of Christ have tried to do for 2,000 years. And as we place the highest value on relationships I’m sure we’ll be surprised at how much we change ourselves in the process and are filled with the love and joy that God feels when He looks upon each person that He has created. One life to lead, laugh, learn, leap and LOVE. Let’s get to it!
Much love,
And here to start the ball rolling ... is our very own Zone Sup, Peter Kenner!!
40DOL: Day 1- Nothing is more important than relationships
Hi guys and gals. Welcome to the first day of 40 Days of Love! Hope you all have had a great couple of days with Search for a Star and are excited about what’s going to happen in your life, your cell group and your zone over the next 40 days. Each day one of your zone sups, cell leaders or cell interns will post their thoughts on the days reading on our blog so stay tuned for regular updates as we walk through the rest of the semester together. So let’s start!!!
“Relationships are painful. Relationships are wonderful.” The first two sentences of the book have really proven to be true in my life so far. It is always the people who are closest to us that bring us the most heartache but also the most joy. The people who truly know us for who we are, the ones that we let in and allow to speak into our lives are the ones that shape us into who we are as people even during the hard times of pain and hurt.
I dare say that there isn’t a person who hasn’t been hurt by someone during their life. It could be parents, siblings, course-mates, people from church, loved ones (BF/GF), someone you love but who doesn’t love you back, cell leaders (hopefully not!) and even zone sups (slightly more likely J). I’ve been through many of these times and found that for me worship is the best way of getting through it. After all, worship changes the focus from us to God, a God who demonstrates perfect love and will never fail us or let us down. There was a time recently that I went through a difficult situation that really was no-ones fault and I only really had peace when I was worshipping. From that worship came a song…
Verse 1
Here I stand in this burden
Weighed down by my hurt and pain
My strength fades, I grow weary
A thousand thoughts running through my head (and no-one understands)
Lord, I give my heart,
Lord, I give my heart, my soul to You,
Jesus, all I have is Yours.
Verse 2
You’re bigger than my failures
The God of the universe
Your heart is of love and compassion
So I can trust my life into Your hands (only in Your hands)
Verse 3
Your grace overwhelms me Jesus
Your love overcame my sin
So I walk in this life of promise
Until the day that I meet You face to face (I’m gonna see you Lord)
You take my burden, my pain, I’m lifted up in Your name
And in the midst of my strife, You are the fountain of life
So every breath I take, and every move that I make
Oh Lord wont You help me to see, that I’m not living for me
But as much as relationships and people can bring us hurt and pain, relationships are what life is really all about right? Firstly our relationship with God and secondly our relationship with the other people around us. What did Jesus say again?
Mark 12:29-31 (paraphrased):
“The most important [commandment]… is this:… ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as youself.’”
That’s why love should be our first priority in life. There are many times in my life when I haven’t had the answers. Times when people have asked me for advice and I’m not sure what the best thing to say is. Times when I’ve felt like I need to talk to someone about what’s happening in their life but don’t want to hurt them or break a friendship. Times when I look back and wish I could change the way I acted or something that I said that’s caused hurt and pain. So that’s what this is all about: Learning from the master, the God of love who sent His son to demonstrate to us not just what real love is but how to live a life of love. Let’s take up the challenge together as a zone and learn and practice love the way God wants us to, the way Jesus did, the way followers of Christ have tried to do for 2,000 years. And as we place the highest value on relationships I’m sure we’ll be surprised at how much we change ourselves in the process and are filled with the love and joy that God feels when He looks upon each person that He has created. One life to lead, laugh, learn, leap and LOVE. Let’s get to it!
Much love,
40DOL: Day 1- Nothing is more important than relationships
Hi guys and gals. Welcome to the first day of 40 Days of Love! Hope you all have had a great couple of days with Search for a Star and are excited about what’s going to happen in your life, your cell group and your zone over the next 40 days. Each day one of your zone sups, cell leaders or cell interns will post their thoughts on the days reading on our blog so stay tuned for regular updates as we walk through the rest of the semester together. So let’s start!!!
“Relationships are painful. Relationships are wonderful.” The first two sentences of the book have really proven to be true in my life so far. It is always the people who are closest to us that bring us the most heartache but also the most joy. The people who truly know us for who we are, the ones that we let in and allow to speak into our lives are the ones that shape us into who we are as people even during the hard times of pain and hurt.
I dare say that there isn’t a person who hasn’t been hurt by someone during their life. It could be parents, siblings, course-mates, people from church, loved ones (BF/GF), someone you love but who doesn’t love you back, cell leaders (hopefully not!) and even zone sups (slightly more likely J). I’ve been through many of these times and found that for me worship is the best way of getting through it. After all, worship changes the focus from us to God, a God who demonstrates perfect love and will never fail us or let us down. There was a time recently that I went through a difficult situation that really was no-ones fault and I only really had peace when I was worshipping. From that worship came a song…
Verse 1
Here I stand in this burden
Weighed down by my hurt and pain
My strength fades, I grow weary
A thousand thoughts running through my head (and no-one understands)
Lord, I give my heart,
Lord, I give my heart, my soul to You,
Jesus, all I have is Yours.
Verse 2
You’re bigger than my failures
The God of the universe
Your heart is of love and compassion
So I can trust my life into Your hands (only in Your hands)
Verse 3
Your grace overwhelms me Jesus
Your love overcame my sin
So I walk in this life of promise
Until the day that I meet You face to face (I’m gonna see you Lord)
You take my burden, my pain, I’m lifted up in Your name
And in the midst of my strife, You are the fountain of life
So every breath I take, and every move that I make
Oh Lord wont You help me to see, that I’m not living for me
But as much as relationships and people can bring us hurt and pain, relationships are what life is really all about right? Firstly our relationship with God and secondly our relationship with the other people around us. What did Jesus say again?
Mark 12:29-31 (paraphrased):
“The most important [commandment]… is this:… ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as youself.’”
That’s why love should be our first priority in life. There are many times in my life when I haven’t had the answers. Times when people have asked me for advice and I’m not sure what the best thing to say is. Times when I’ve felt like I need to talk to someone about what’s happening in their life but don’t want to hurt them or break a friendship. Times when I look back and wish I could change the way I acted or something that I said that’s caused hurt and pain. So that’s what this is all about: Learning from the master, the God of love who sent His son to demonstrate to us not just what real love is but how to live a life of love. Let’s take up the challenge together as a zone and learn and practice love the way God wants us to, the way Jesus did, the way followers of Christ have tried to do for 2,000 years. And as we place the highest value on relationships I’m sure we’ll be surprised at how much we change ourselves in the process and are filled with the love and joy that God feels when He looks upon each person that He has created. One life to lead, laugh, learn, leap and LOVE. Let’s get to it!
Much love,
Hey Guys!!
What a night (and day for those who served and performed) SFAS was eh?! Really really awesome stuff!! Great to see we are truly growing from strength to strength each year, and isn't it a great feeling of (good) pride that we are contributing and part of this growth? Don't ever take it for granted yeah? You guys rock!!
Well .. SFAS is over ... but 40 days of love has begun! Time to clock some book reading time eh? Isn't it cool we all get to have the same daily devotion for the next 40 days? What I personally look forward to is the different revelations each of us can get from the same reading material!
And guess what? For the next 40 days, each of you will get to share with my dream! Why? Because in the next 40 days every Zone Sup, Cell leader and Intern of this FANTASTIC zone will be taking turns to pen down (well ... type actually) their thoughts on each chapter of The Relationship Principles of Jesus! How cool is that?!
Speaking of which ... here's the list!
So guys, I hope everyone is excited and ready to be impacted! Do bear in mind that this sharing should always compliment YOUR OWN READING, so ... let's have a little rule. We read on our own first, reflect upon it and then come here after to read what others thought about the same chapter ... deal?
You can expect the sharing to be present every morning by 7am ... I can hear the leaders groaning already hah But hey, we need to think about those who do devotion in the mornings right? So there you have it folks, 40 days of adventure starting ... NOW!! God bless and journey mercies!
What a night (and day for those who served and performed) SFAS was eh?! Really really awesome stuff!! Great to see we are truly growing from strength to strength each year, and isn't it a great feeling of (good) pride that we are contributing and part of this growth? Don't ever take it for granted yeah? You guys rock!!
Well .. SFAS is over ... but 40 days of love has begun! Time to clock some book reading time eh? Isn't it cool we all get to have the same daily devotion for the next 40 days? What I personally look forward to is the different revelations each of us can get from the same reading material!
And guess what? For the next 40 days, each of you will get to share with my dream! Why? Because in the next 40 days every Zone Sup, Cell leader and Intern of this FANTASTIC zone will be taking turns to pen down (well ... type actually) their thoughts on each chapter of The Relationship Principles of Jesus! How cool is that?!
Speaking of which ... here's the list!
Day No. | Date | Day | Blogger |
1 | 20/09/09 | Sunday | Peter |
2 | 21/09/09 | Monday | Max |
3 | 22/09/09 | Tuesday | Stanley |
4 | 23/09/09 | Wednesday | Letitia |
5 | 24/09/09 | Thursday | Suling |
6 | 25/09/09 | Friday | Eunice |
7 | 26/09/09 | Saturday | Jacquelyn |
8 | 27/09/09 | Sunday | Allison |
9 | 28/09/09 | Monday | Rachel |
10 | 29/09/09 | Tuesday | Joshua Lau |
11 | 30/09/09 | Wednesday | Jeremy Tan |
12 | 1/10/09 | Thursday | Joshua Lim |
13 | 2/10/09 | Friday | Steph Sim |
14 | 3/10/09 | Saturday | Isaiah |
15 | 4/10/09 | Sunday | Jamie |
16 | 5/10/09 | Monday | Lucas |
17 | 6/10/09 | Tuesday | Yaushu |
18 | 7/10/09 | Wednesday | Steph To |
19 | 8/10/09 | Thursday | Jiali |
20 | 9/10/09 | Friday | Jim |
21 | 10/10/09 | Saturday | Max |
22 | 11/10/09 | Sunday | Steph Sim |
23 | 12/10/09 | Monday | Stanley |
24 | 13/10/09 | Tuesday | Isaiah |
25 | 14/10/09 | Wednesday | Letitia |
26 | 15/10/09 | Thursday | Jamie |
27 | 16/10/09 | Friday | Suling |
28 | 17/10/09 | Saturday | Eunice |
29 | 18/10/09 | Sunday | Lucas |
30 | 19/10/09 | Monday | Jacquelyn |
31 | 20/10/09 | Tuesday | Yaushu |
32 | 21/10/09 | Wednesday | Allison |
33 | 22/10/09 | Thursday | Steph To |
34 | 23/10/09 | Friday | Rachel |
35 | 24/10/09 | Saturday | Jiali |
36 | 25/10/09 | Sunday | Joshua Lau |
37 | 26/10/09 | Monday | Jim |
38 | 27/10/09 | Tuesday | Jeremy Tan |
39 | 28/10/09 | Wednesday | Joshua Lim |
40 | 29/10/09 | Thursday | Peter |
So guys, I hope everyone is excited and ready to be impacted! Do bear in mind that this sharing should always compliment YOUR OWN READING, so ... let's have a little rule. We read on our own first, reflect upon it and then come here after to read what others thought about the same chapter ... deal?
You can expect the sharing to be present every morning by 7am ... I can hear the leaders groaning already hah But hey, we need to think about those who do devotion in the mornings right? So there you have it folks, 40 days of adventure starting ... NOW!! God bless and journey mercies!