Catamaran - A quick comment
Hey All!

Catamaran is over & it leaves behind a wake of both great memories & stinging sunburns ... enjoy the tan lines fellas! I'm sure there are more than a few who are already regretting their choice in attire for the day!

Just a quick PTL (Praise The Lord) comment ...
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Did I use a calculator to figure that out : Yes, but please don't judge me, sun got to my brains as well.

Great job organizing team! A pat on the back *screams* Ooo .. forgot sun burn .. Applause for their efforts!

Here's some quick pictures for those of you who weren't there with us. Oh did I forget to mention 4 baby bull sharks were caught in the Swan River only just the day before? Yes, we neglected to tell you guys who went out sailing, ahhh ... isn't ignorance bliss? Pls don't sue lol

Look at these guys, life jackets aren't going to save them

Khang Wee definitely doesn't like his chances; ladies = bliss

But he remembers he is stronger & can use the girls as bait to save himself ... happier now; ladies = still very bliss

Our unaware shark adventurers head out!

Dexter teaches us how to get close & personal with sharks & still able to get a great leg tan! - Secrets of a modern metrosexual

Stay tuned for more updates! But for now, let's say hi to our 2 newest best friends ... Aloe Vera & Moisturizer!!

See you red lobsters!
The Blog Team

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