Pledge Weekend - Why Give?

Trapped in a land where I don’t belong, disgusted at the fact my departure coincided with the arrival of favorable weather of my favourite season in the place I truly call home. My only comfort was to turn my attention to what was happening in the place where everything and anything happens. ZPH!

The end of this week marks Pledge Weekend. Pt2. Beta version, whatever you want to call it. Which brings up the every elusive question, “Why should I give? ... Again!

Side fact - the church I grew up with, Christ Methodist Church, which literary was just a stone’s throw away from my place (that still didn't help my punctuality though) has been leveled to the ground. What was once the embodiment of my youth is now a flat piece of land. Very nostalgic when I first saw that vacant piece of dirt.

Fast forward to a ride home from my best friend’s (and soon to be Best Man) dad, and he was talking about the overhaul of building. He said something profound, “I hope in 20 years time, we wouldn’t find ourselves with this newly aged building, right back in our comfort zone”.

Then it hit me.

Giving from our comfort zone counts for very little. Its like giving the spare change from a cup of Pure Vanilla Ice Blended (yum!) to the girl asking for donations to some charity. Very quick, very painless. See that you have to give a certain blue note in the wallet however, is a whole other matter.

The Bible is full of examples of giving outside of ones comfort zone, a certain saint fasted (hey, its not easy man), was thrown into a den of lions and whose friends with cool names were thrown into a furnace. All because they refused to bow to an idol. Not exactly the essence of a comfort zone. Why, how, could they find the courage to do something so crazy? Its all about conviction.

In the end, my encouragement is this. Pledge to give what you feel convicted, not comfortable to give. It is not easy but what it needs is conviction, so if you have none, find the time to seek the Lord for it and He will give it to you. And you will find that you will stop asking why should you give but start telling people, why you give.

 “For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
- Romans 5:7-8 -

Yours truly, 
the REAL lonely traveller 

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