Old Habits Die Hard

I believe that most of us have heard of this phrase before. So what is a habit? Based on Wikipedia (this finally being a place you can quote Wikipedia!), a habit is an acquired pattern of behaviour that often occurs automatically. Well if it’s in our nature to give and do what is right automatically then that will be a good habit to keep. But for this article we’ll be looking at a bad habit which is much seen in our church today. And this habit is regarding punctuality.

From my point of view, I believe that much needs to be done regarding this as the longer this habit stays with us, the harder it’ll be to let go. Like ice-cream/Starcraft. Haha. Now let us see a few issues which need to be looked at.

1. Church:
As all of us know UWA service starts at 9am Sunday morning and this has been the time our service starts since the beginning of the year. At the beginning of the year it may seem ok that you see people entering through the backdoor of service (late) as they’re not used to waking up early for church. But sadly when hanging around church at 8:50am on the last UWA service for semester 1, I could only see a handful of people gathering outside the doors of our church. With much hope of a better semester 2, I went to ask the ushers of our church on what it’s like this time around and their respond was saying yes, it is getting better, but just a little.

2. When telling each other the time for an event:
What do I mean by this? Well, let me list an example of a dialogue between 2 people.
Louis: Hey tomorrow you coming right?
Will: Ya, what time is it?
Louis: It’s at 6. But more or less everyone will reach at 6:30.

I know that this occurs a lot when it comes to our events and this creates a mindset of:
(Time 6:00pm)
Ooo.. It’s already six, don’t worry the rest wouldn’t be there yet, I can start getting ready now. (Unrushed)

Isn’t it weird why so many of us can arrive at our exam halls much earlier than the paper itself but we can’t seem to arrive at God’s house on time? Whose waiting on who? Is the Lord Almighty in all His majesty waiting on us or are we waiting on Him?

I really hope that this issue can come to a close as soon as possible before Zion Praise Harvest becomes a church labelled for its lateness. Don’t think this can happen? Just to drive the point home, when arriving on time to an event organised by ex church members they were very much surprised and were expecting us to be late. ):

Hope ALL of you can see the importance of this. Let us together make the right decisions rather than excuses anymore, as bad habits are easier to abandon TODAY than tomorrow.

Let’s create a greater image for our church when it comes to punctuality and remember it starts with YOU. Remember what we learned last semester about an unstoppable generation? Well how can an unstoppable generation be late? To end this let me add something to the beginning quote, ‘old habits die hard,’ but they still have to die. (:

Written by Blog Writer,

Have a question or suggestion? Email us at uwalive@gmail.com!
1 Response
  1. Unknown Says:

    the first time I read the whole post here! Anyway I agree with you, habit of late is like a disease, too easy to spread around and influence those who used to be on time :/